2; Meeting

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Daryl pov


After she left Daryl didn't know what to do. Chase after her or leave her and have the chance of her finding out about Alexandria, the choice was up to him and the few seconds he had to decide. He thought against it, leaving the starvating girl alone and be on his way

After the strange in counter with the unknown girl, 'Quinn' she was named. Daryl was already on his way back to the small town he called home, the fight he had with her played through his head over and over.

He approached the gates as they opened, welcoming him back to his safe haven he called home. His loud motorbike roared as he stopped, turning off the ignition and climbing off his bike.

He didn't acknowledge anybody there, his loud footsteps trailed to his house where he sat and wondered what had happened to that lucky girl who managed to escape. He wasn't interested in her survival skills, even though they were impressive, but the weapon of choice she took around with her. Much like Michonne's but far more sharper and lethal than her's, yet he knew she wasn't close to the same fighting skills as the woman who only lived a couple houses down from his.

He thought about if he found her again would he bring her back to Alexandria. His finger traced over a small 'Q' carved on the side of his bed, a random letter he only found out about a couple of days ago, a weird mystery yet to be solved.

The night came quick, black sky's and bright stars covered the earth's atmosphere. It soon had gotten colder as the hot sun had been changed with the freezing moon, everyone outside walked around with jackets as the rest stayed inside.

Daryl was too caught up when he went hunting, the girl cut his time short with only a half hour to find squirrel and deer. The town had more than enough crops to feed everyone for a week, but he did it more for his own enjoyment of being alone and relieving of stress. Of course he loved the small talk he exchanged with rick once in a while, but he knew being alone felt better. Who knew more about Daryl than Daryl? That way he can't cause a fight.

He opened the gates himself, Spencer closing them behind as he set foot outside his home once again.

When he saw Quinn he didn't really pay attention to her facial features, but when his face got close to her's he noticed the most greenest eyes he had ever seen. It was green like grass with a tinge of yellow, her hair was teal. Turquoise almost.

He didn't want to admit it, but he wanted to run into her again, she seemed interesting but lethal at the same time.

He didn't bother taking his bike, the loud noise would wake up people when he came back late. he walked, the now dark sky made it harder to see, the tree's looked black and so was the ground.

The moment he stepped foot in the forest he smiled, knowing he'd be alone for a while.

Without realising he had walked back to the same spot he met Quinn, the three dead walkers lay on the broken branches of the forest as he leaned against a tree. His smile disappeared, a smirk now in place on his lips as he noticed very clear footprints Ingraved in the mud, her footprints.

He walked towards them, they lead through a footpath and out into a clearing. A lone dark blue truck was parked in the middle, sheets hanging over the windows making it impossible to look in. There was a roof box on the top of the truck, tightly closed with rope but bits of bedding was sticking out. The tires were covered in mud and so were the bottom of the doors.

He felt a presence behind him, a weird feeling of a pointed metal object pressed against his back "if I were you I'd walk back to the place you came from" the confident yet scratchy voice hit him like a brick.

He didn't let it show, but a small smirk played on his lips. He put his hands up and turned around to face Quinn, her face looked worse like she had just been in a fight. A purplish bruise circled her cheek and her lips looked swollen, yet she still looked intimidating to most people. "It's you" she said, not dropping her katana.

"Come here to stand on me again?" Quinn said, a disgusted look made its way to her face.

"Wha' happened to yer face?" Daryl asked, brushing off the side comment she made

"why do you care?"

"I don't" he told her, her eyes rolled as she lowered he weapon but kept a close eye on the man who had once attacked her.

She walked to her dark blue truck and opened the back door, sliding into the seat she left enough space for him. She didn't know his name yet and she didn't care enough to find out.

After he got in he closed the door behind him, his eyes scanned the modded car. A torched hung from the grey ceiling that revealed enough light to see each other but not enough to shine through the sheets hanging on the window.

"Who are you?" He heard the girl said from beside him, his neck turned to face her - she had moved further back, leaning
back against the door in fear he was going to attack her.

"Ma Names Daryl" he told her. she immediately felt more welcoming to Daryl than she was before, her back slowly coming closer to him and her eyes didn't have that fiery tinge to them as they went back to that normal green, calm colour.

"Well, Daryl" she hesitated on his name, hoping she didn't mispronounce it. "You best be on your way" she didn't dare touch him, by pushing him out the door by her feet covered in her muddy black trainers. Her knees were pulled close to her chest - if it wasn't for the knife she was pointing to Daryl she would probably be hugging them.
Daryl didn't say another word before placing his large, dirty hand on the door handle and pulling it down until the satisfying click was heard. The door swung open - it's rusty metal links scratched together as he slammed it shut, making his way back to Alexandria.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, of you did please leave a comment and a vote. If you didn't know I do a Negan imagines book too if you want to check that out. Thank you for reading :)

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