14; Quinn

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Daryl sat on his knees as sweat dripped from his forehead and uncovered biceps, his hands covered in a mixture of mud and black oil from fixing the tires on his motorbike.

He stopped and looked around for a moment, seeing Rick walking around with his son who was carrying Judith, or little ass-kicker as Daryl likes to call her. It was the little bit of happiness Daryl had left in this dead world.

It had been a couple of days since the night he went out himself, the first time he wasn't with Quinn. Slowly but surely he stopped thinking about her as much, though she was still very stuck in his mind. But every time she popped up he would do anything he could get get her out, even if that was go hunting, talk to his friends or fix his bike like he's doing now.

Over the past few days Daryl has been getting much more sleep and amazing dreams. But the day after tomorrow they were all going to the Hilltop for Maggie to sort her out with a doctor. He's been there before and the leader is a complete dick, but with the help of Jesus and Rick they've managed to convince him for us to come up, but with a cost. We have to wipe out the savours, even though they hit one of their 'sanctuaries' there was still loads of them out there.


The sun was now setting and an orange discolouration spread over the sky, it had hints of pink and purple but it was absolutely breathtaking. Some people sat on their porch and watched it and some stood from their bedroom window to watch, the rest didn't care and went straight to bed after their hard work they did during the day. Daryl was one of those people, he wasn't the one to watch pretty sights for hours. He'd take a quick glance and that would be about it.

So when Daryl walked up the stares to his room he kept his blinds open that looked onto another roof, but just above it he could see the sky.

He took his eyes off the sky to get ready, which meant take off his sweat covered clothes and get into bed half naked. But he never got the chance to get into bed before he heard his window slam closed.

Daryl jumped. "Shit!" He cursed out before turning around to look at the window to see why it closed. But instead of seeing a bird like he thought, he came face to face with a pair of bright green eyes. "Quinn" he dragged out, she smiled in return nodding her head before quickly wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging her body close to his as her head rested on his bare chest. He took a few moments to understand what's happening, but once he realised his arms went around her small waist and pulled her in tight, his face hid in her neck as he did so.

He could fell her heart beeting out her chest and her body shake as she started to cry. Daryl pulled away to look at her face but she looked down "wha's wrong?" He asked.

"I just missed you so much, please don't let me go back to that place"


Daryl once again couldn't sleep, but it wasn't the same reason as all the times before. It was because there was a sleeping girl in his arms he felt he had to keep safe. She was wrapped up in a blanket that draped over half of Daryl's body.

Daryl moved a little just to get a bit more comfy but Quinn was a light sleeper so she woke up. "What is it?" She asked him, sitting up and putting her weight on her elbow as she looked at him

"Sorry I woke ya" he told him.

"No, it's fine" Quinn said while stretching. But after she lay back down in the same position she slept in, her head on his chest and his arm stayed on the small of her back. It went silent for a while before Quinn spoke. "i never thought I'd say this but... do you wanna get to know each other?" She chuckled at the suggestion she just made, but she still wanted to remain a mystery to Daryl.

He cleared his throat. "Yea, sure" he stared at the ceiling.

"What was your childhood like?"

Daryl froze. He hated talking about his past. His brother, father, the lack of girls, drugs and alcohol... everything.

"I won't judge" she tried to convince her, but he won't work. The only person he's ever told was Beth, but that's only because he trusted her with his life. Not that he didn't trust Quinn, he just hasn't known her long enough to say.

"Maybe anothe' time" he told her, she pouted.


It went quiet again.

"What about your childhood?" He asked Quinn. He could feel her smirk.

"I ran away with my brother when I was around 6. He was 19 and hated our family, and they hated him back. But to make them madder than just him running away he took me with him... I was their favourite child and oh, didn't it go un-noticed. Every single radio, news chanel, newspaper and flyer was about me and my brother." Daryl was shocked. He had thought she came from this rich family and she lived in a mantion and went to a private school and got private fencing lessons and that's how she's so skilled with her weapon, not this.

"Shit" was all that came out his mouth. "Wher' did ya live?"

"I think this is enough 'sharing' for today. I want to keep some things a mystery" she chuckled, closing her eyes and trying to get to sleep. She was happy and so was Daryl


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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