9; Life Story

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Daryl didn't smile, smirk nor laugh. He just stood - staring at Quinn while she told him about the deer she found and had for dinner. Though they had met earlier that day, they didn't have much time to talk, she was busy killing walkers and Rick asked her to come back with them to Alexandria.

"When ya said ya didn' wanna distract me, wha' did ya mean?" Daryl asked, Quinn only stood and smirked.

"If I was with you at Alexandria, you really think you'd be doing your job?" She said, Daryl only nodded his head

"Yeah I would"

Quinn shrugged and walked away, Daryl followed behind her, watching the way she walked. Her hips swung from side to side and her back slightly arched as her straight, Teal hair slowly waving in the wind. But not by much.

"You've been through a lot." she said, stopping so Daryl could catch up with her.

"How'd you know tha'?" He asked, looking into her eyes once again and an exhale of air came out her mouth ad she smiled

"I can tell"

"Yeah I have, don' mean anything though" he said, his hand held back onto the strap of his crossbow as they stood.

"Tell me about It" she told him, pushing the hairs out his face as she started to shift her body and sit on the cement with her legs crossed over, waiting for Daryl to do the same. "Please"

Daryl didn't say anything, just took his crossbow off his shoulder and placed it on the ground beside him as he sat opposite her. One of his legs stretched out and he rested his hand on the knee of the other as he kept it closer to his body.

"Wha' you wanna know?"

"Everything" she whispered.

He sighed, he wanted to tell the story to someone instead of it being a secret he was ashamed of. But he never thought this would be the way he'd get the secret out "I had a bother who was with me at the start" he began, accepting the fact he was about to tell her everything "and ma friend Rick, cuffed him to a roof, but when we went back he was gone. Nothin' left but a bloody saw and his hand..." his voice was steady and confident, but whenever he mentioned his brother it changed. She knew it was a touchy subject, one that you could only tell one person about and nearly burst into tears. Daryl never shed a tear once through the whole story, but when it came to the part in his life when he had to shoot his own brother he had to stop talking for a few seconds just to stop his emotions from spilling out to a girl he hardly knows.

"It's okay to cry, you know" she reassured him, but Daryl took it as an insult. He made it out to be that she was making fun of him, he wasn't an emotional person.

"I ain't gonna cry" he sternly told her, his voice shouted dark and hurt.

"Please tell me more" she said, ushering Daryl to tell her even more about his life.

He began to talk about Carol and Beth. He described the two women in wonderful and amazing ways, so much so it made Quinn think twice about Daryl. Did he really have a girlfriend?

"You love Carol" she whispered, Daryl shaking his head.

"Nah, she left. And Beth's gone too" he said, his head hanging low.

Quinn found out a lot of things she never knew or thought about Daryl. He has this amazing Woman in his life that left him, he had to shoot his own brother. And worst of all he's trying to defeat a group that he won't tell me the name of, though I could have a guess of who they are.

Daryl looked around his surroundings, the trees, grass and tire marks were the things he saw most now, dead animals and walker's weren't very common though. As there is less and less of them, he still came across them everyday, but not as much as the first week of the apocalypse. He look at the side of the road - a 'one way' sign was covered in bloody handmarks as the metal pole that kept it held up was covered in brown rust as it slowly wasted away.

"Daryl" he heard Quinn whisper, his head turned towards the girl that still sat across from him cross-legged. She looked up at him, her green eyes looked into his baby blue ones as she got on her hands and knees and crawled towards him. She sat next to him, her head rested on his shoulder as she took his hand in hers and put them in her lap. He froze as she did this, he felt uncomfortable but slowly relaxed with time.

They looked down boulevard, sitting in the middle of the road. They watched as the cement started to show it's grey colour more as the sunrise started to come up. It reached their feet in only seconds as their hands still touched - their fingers still interlocked as none of them spoke.

Daryl switched his gaze from the sun to Quinn, her face lit up and her green emerald eyes looked into his as their faces got closer together. It felt like time had froze, ticking as seconds felt like hours. Daryl's lips didn't touch hers as he opened his eyes to meet hers again, she was sat back with a smirk on her face. "You don't know who I really am, do you?"

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