8; biceps

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Daryl didn't know who the person was. He watched the black silhouette on his windowsill,  sitting still - gazing at him with its green eyes, the same green eyes he's seen before - but it couldn't be her, right?

That night Daryl couldn't sleep, he tossed and turned in his bed as he looked out the open widow he never bothered to close. He came to terms with him not being able to fall asleep that night so he got out of bed and threw on an old shirt that came down to his elbows. His shoes kicked in a corner of his room, his grey socks shoved inside them.

The night before he hung his crossbow on the door hook which was still hanging up. The black beauty of his weapon shone from the small amount of light from the moon that came through from the window. He picked it up and placed it on the bed as he sat beside it, putting his socks and shoes on his feet as he stood up and slung his crossbow over his shoulder and walked out the door of his room; Closing it behind him.

But before he fully closed it over he caught a glimpse of a silver necklace hung over the windowsill just about to fall out onto the ground below. When Daryl walked back in the room he picked up the necklace with his hands and held it up to his face.  It had a heart with a diamond in the middle, Daryl had never seen that necklace before - maybe it was the person in his room earlier that dropped it, and that would give him clues on who the unknown person was.

After a few seconds of his mind boggling about who it could belong to he cluched it in his hands and placed it in his pockets and he left his room once again. This time for good.

As he walked down the stairs - his eyes glanced at the furniture in the rooms he passed, wondering who the previous family was who owned them before. But that passed away when his warm hand touched the cold metal of the door handle as he pressed it down and opened it up to reveal the empty town of Alexandria.

His lips curved into a smile. He barley ever smiled when there was people around him, he didn't have a reason for it - maybe he just didn't like showing his emotions off like some prize he had, he kept himself to himself as much as he could.

He walked down the road towards the gate where he saw nothing but hundreds of thousands of trees surrounding the one area. Daryl found it funny how every beautiful thing had been destroyed, yet the nature looked more amazing than ever since the apocalypse has started.

While his mind thought of all the beautiful things left in the world his mind drifted to Quinn. He thought about her smile, her laugh, her hair and her lips... They looked like a pale peach shade. But they were never once chapped, unlike Daryl's where whenever he ran his tongue across them he could feel the lumps of the dry skin. But hers where next to Amazing, perfect. Though he wanted them next to his.

He wanted to hit himself for saying that,  though it was true. He never admitted it to anyone exept himself.

He wasn't far from Alexandria, but if he looked behind him he wouldn't be able to see the dark down in the pitch black.

"Dixon!" His name was called from the shadows of the forest beside him.  His heart raced at the sudden sound, but slowly got to a normal tempo after realising it was a person, not a walker.

Yet he knew who the voice came from. Speak of the devil he said to himself, though he wasn't wrong. Her face showed the sign of an angel but if you spent enough time with her you'd know that her personally was something completely different. It was Quinn

"Are you followin' me or somethin'?" The southerness in his voice showed much more when he said those few words. He wasn't sure why but he didn't question it at all. His body turned to the direction of the bushes russling and he stood in place, his hand holding the strap of his crossbow while he waited. Not in a defensive way, it was more comfortable to stand like that rather than stand with both hands at his side.

"You wish" she chuckled, her full body came into view once she stepped out the forest. She walked towards Daryl who still stood - facing her on the road. "What happened to your other shirt?" She smirked, pitting her hand on her waist

"Wha' shirt?" Daryl asked, watching her - looking into her green eyes.

"The one that shows off your full arms?" Daryl was still confused "it cuts off at your shoulder" she told him, steeping closer to him.

She placed her hand on his arm, tracing her fingers up his skin and slowly rolled up his sleeves. He let her do this, he stayed still - watching her hands run up his arms as he felt the smallest of cold air hit the skin on his bicep.

Once the sleeve was fully up and his full arm was showing she started on the other one. none of them spoke while she pulled up his sleeves, and Daryl wasn't sure why she was doing it. But he just went along, he liked the feeling of her hands touch his skin - even if it was only for a few seconds.

"There" she smiled, admiring his biceps as he crossed his arms over each other and smirked.

Daryl looked at what she wore, it was the same clothes she always wears, exept from her black hoodie which was tied around her waist and a black tank top and a bra was now the only thing that was covering the top half of her body.

One Way Crossing | Daryl Dixon Where stories live. Discover now