5; Dixon

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"Done" Rick told them, standing away from the vehicle like it was going to explode any second. "Just be careful next time, don't go too fast" he said. Obviously Quinn wasn't going to follow his orders, she didn't have to do what she's told - especially from a man she's never met before.

"I guess I'll be on my way then" Quinn stated, putting her hand on the door handle and opened it just enough to squeeze through then closed it once she was fully inside.

Rick started to walk away but Daryl stayed - watching her start her vehicle incase she broke it again. Once the engine roared to life Quinn rolled down the windows catching Daryl's attention "I'm guessing this won't be the last time I see you, Dixon" she smirked.

"How'd you know ma name?" He asked but that only made her chuckle

"That's for me to know" she said tapping her nose "and for you to never find out"

She closed the window leaving Daryl in confusion - driving off into the lonely road herself. The grit and stones flyed and hit the door, causing chips in the paint come off.

Daryl shook his head at the woman he'd incountered many times. Walking back to his own vehicle where Rick sat and watched him get in. "Nice girl" he heard Rick say, his voice sounded a little sarcastic but he didn't mean it to be, he was being truthful. Quinn was trying her best to not be her normal self and now she's done the horrible thing and made Rick remember her. She can't afford to let everyone know who she is, she needs to be left alone in case they find her.

"Yeah" Daryl answered, watching her car quickly drive down the road away from them until she turned a corner out their sight "she is"

"Think we're going to run into her again?" Rick asked him as he turned the key in the car and the engine started to rumble. He didn't start to drive just yet, not before he ended the conversation with Daryl

"Probably, she ain't that far from Alexandria" he said, putting his feet on the dashboard as Rick pulled away from their spot. When he got closer to the corner Quinn drove down Daryl couldn't help but look down it, he only caught the back of her blue jeep before it went down a hill.

"You think there's going to be anything at this farm?" Rick asked him but all he could think about was Quinn. how does she know my nameKept going through his mind, it was the one question he needed to know.

"Hm? Yeah, yeah. Definitely" he replied, Rick just smirked and chuckled at his state of mind. "Wha'?" Daryl looked at him as Rick rolled his eyes playfully.

"oh nothing"

The rest of the drive was silent, the blue sky above held many clouds that dropped little drops of rain onto the car as it cut through the water at a rapid pace. Though none of them were concerned about getting wet, it was going to be a quick in and out job so they weren't standing while it felt like buckets of water was hitting them every second.

Rick sighed "Damn walker's" he cursed, looking at the couple of walkers feeding off a body of a rotten carcass that once belonged to a dear. As it teared and pulled the skin of the dead animal it groaned in pleasure, no doubt it hadn't eaten in weeks. Months Pherhaps, they really didn't know. Their hands dug into its organs, taking out the intestines and instantly shoved it in their mouth. It was like a string of spaghetti from the walker's mouth it the animals lower body as it shoveled and shoveled more into its mouth.

The walker's heard the vehicle behind them, the engined rumbled as it came to a stop "wha' ya doin'?" Daryl asked. But Rick stayed still, his hands on the steering wheel and his foot on the peddles.

The walker's stood from their kneeling spot to turn around and stagger towards them. They walked like two extremely drunk guys trying to get home from a night out together, it was so similar it was scary almost. As the walker's walked the weight of the water on their clothes weighed them down, soaking their Grey,  rotten skin.

Rick stomped on the peddle, running Over the top of the walker's. A big bloody mess covered in guts and bones now laid on the ground. They felt the bump of the deer as they continued their journey, once again in complete silence.

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