CHAPTER TWO: The Welcome Back Party

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Andrea was standing wrapped in a fluffy pink towel trying to call Deanna back. She was exhausted from prancing around the lawn in the midday heat and just wanted to grab a bite with her best friend. Deanna was the one person who did know all her secrets, but liked her anyway. The phone just rang and rang. It was so Deanna not to have an answering machine. She did not want to go to this party.

"Andrea! Why aren't you ready yet?" Her roommate Janet Smith yelled at her.

"I don't think I'm going. I told my friend I would meet her for dinner."

Janet stood with her hands on her hips shaking her big, puffy hair that teetered over her large shoulder pads. "Nope, I don't think so. You're coming with us to this party. You can't hide out and tell me you have to study because classes haven't even started yet."

Andrea was trapped. Deanna wasn't home and she couldn't think of any excuses. "Okay," she whispered in a dejected voice.

"Ya know, Andrea most girls would want to go to a party with the hottest guys on campus. What's your deal?"

Andrea tightened the towel around her chest as she hung up the phone. Her deal was that she was on a full scholarship and had to work two jobs to afford to stay at school. That was her deal. Her deal was that she didn't have anyone to bail her out if she screwed up and didn't maintain her grade point average. Her deal was that she didn't have the luxury of wasting time with some stupid beer drinking frat boy. She replied instead, "I can be ready in ten minutes. Will you wait for me to walk over?"

Janet did a little dance as she said, "Yay, I'm so happy you are going out with us. Do you need to borrow some hairspray? My curling iron is plugged in. I'll leave it on for you."

Andrea was approaching this party with less excitement and more dread. Unlike most of her peers she didn't drink. Her mother on a good day was considered an alcoholic and on a bad day, which was most days, a drunk. She spent most of her days so far inside a bottle of Vodka that Andrea couldn't remember the last time she was actually sober. College parties for Andrea were draining. She had to fake drink and not really talk about herself too much. She'd rather just study or hang out at The Coffee House talking to the foreign exchange students and art majors.

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