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 You can never go home again that saying stuck in Andrea's mind as she prepared for school. College for her was more like home than her home, for most kids leaving the safety of their parent's home was scary for her it was just the opposite. It was the first time she could relax she didn't have to worry about her mom all the time whether she was going to be a happy or mean drunk. The last few weeks, she was so immersed in the details of setting up Nate, getting her school supplies and registering for classes it didn't leave much time for her to think about leaving Nate. The longest they have been apart the since he was born four months ago was two hours. That's about how long she can go between feedings before her breast would feel like they were going to explode. She started weaning him two weeks ago. She had a love hate with nursing, when she was actually nursing she loved it but it was the engorged leaking breast that she hated. She wanted her body back but at the same time loved holding Nate and doing something for him that no one else could do. In the end, Andrea decided that college and nursing probably weren't the best fit.

There was this feeling in her stomach took root a few days ago and has been with her every waking moment. It was a hollow ache that just left her feeling sad and empty. She didn't mention it to Steven because after their argument about her going back to school they didn't discuss it again. Everything was riding on this one decision she made. The wheels were in motion; she was going to complete her undergraduate degree. Once the semester was over she would go back to work part time. During the summer she'd take a class at night, and then start graduate school in the fall. Her phone call to her boss, Fred was priceless.

"So Andrea are you ready to come back to work right now?"

"Well, not exactly Fred. There has been a bit of a glitch."

"A glitch? I have known you for many years and as far as I know you have never ever experienced a glitch before."

"Well, I have. I was working on my grad school application and came to find out I do not have a valid undergrad degree."

Fred dropped his playful tone, "What in the hell are you talking about?"

"Due to some kind of computer error I'm short the necessary credits. So I am going back to college," she realized how crazy that sounded and every time she repeated it, it only sounded crazier.

"You are going back to Champaign? What are you going to bunk at your sorority house too?"

"Yes. Yes I am."

And with that, Fred just lost it. He couldn't stop laughing, he laughed for almost ten minutes. When she thought, he'd stopped laughing it was only to start up again.

"Fred, Fred are you there?"

She could hear him wipe his eyes with his shirt sleeve, "Yes, Andrea. I am here."

"What is so funny? This is truly horrible."

"The thing I can't get my head around is that from your transcripts, it didn't seem like you exactly had the best time in college. You got perfect grades, you worked your ass off, but it wasn't like you were doing keg stands and making out with frat boys."

"Yeah, so what's your point exactly?"

"You were too old the first time around and now you are truly too old. I just can't see it. I can't see you back in college because I couldn't imagine you there the first time around."

She couldn't hide her irritation, "Are you done laughing at me?"

"Oh yes. Thanks I needed that. It has been one heck of a day. The servers are fried and I have angry IT guys running around here who haven't slept in two days. They are strung out on Red Bull, surly and smelly not a good combo."

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