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The next day, when Andrea went to work she walked into The Coffeehouse to find Nick and Max hunched over their coffees talking. Max was shaking his head sympathetically as he took a sip of coffee. Andrea tried to ignore them as she went to fill the sugar station.

Max coughed into his hand as he got up and said, "Hey Drea."

Andrea just looked at him and shook her head. She continued to fill the sugar.

Nick stood up and walked over to her and said,"Andrea, I really need to talk to you. Please just give me five minutes."

She continued to ignore him as she walked into the kitchen. She came back with a platter full of muffins that she began placing in pastry case.

Nick peered at her through the glass and said, "Okay, I don't how to say this but you can't go to the party with Dando on Saturday."

This got her attention; "Excuse me?" was her terse reply.

"You just have to trust me, but you can't go with him. He's not what he seems. He's really a bad guy."

She threw the tray down and put her hands on her hips, "Nick, did I hear you correctly? He's a bad guy. Not what he seems? Are you kidding me with this crap?"

"Look I know how it all looks. I really want to explain it to you. You got it all wrong. Dando, bet me, see I took the bet because if I didn't he'd try to sleep with you. I was trying to protect you from him. Don't you understand?"

"You are such a gentleman."

"Can we just talk? I just need five minutes."

"I think I have heard enough. Your five minutes are up. Please leave," she said as she pointed to the door and turned her back on him.

"Andrea, you can't go to that party. I am telling you it's not a good idea."

Andrea finally lost it. She yelled at him, "Get out! Just get out! Now! You won't even be there. What do you care what happens to me? Just leave me alone."

Max stepped in front of Nick, "Listen, Nick, I am a pacifist truly I am. I took a vow even. But you are causing Drea to lose her shit. Her and I, she's like my cosmic sister and I can't have her upset. You need to leave. Now."

Nick grabbed Max by the shoulders, "You can't let her go to that party with Dando."

"Look if she wants to go to that party, it's up to her."

"Some cosmic brother you are feeding her to the lions. That guy is bad news. I'm telling you."

"Nick, like I said I am a pacifist in theory but I was a state champion boxer and that warrior soul still lives inside me. It's time to leave. You hear me?"

Nick threw up his arms in surrender as he looked at Andrea and said, "Yeah, you are saying that you will try to kick my ass if I don't leave."

"That's pretty much it. Trust me don't let the dreads and the groovy 'tude fool you. I could kick your ass. It's time to go," he said as he started walking him to the door.

Nick said over his shoulder, "I was supposed to go home for the weekend, but I'm not. I'm going to be watching you."

He then left. 

Max just looked at Andrea and shook his head. She then started re-cleaning the pastry case. They worked until closing time in silence. 

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