CHAPTER THREE: The Tau Omega Barbeque

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The music in the dark basement was so loud, Andrea could feel the base vibrating through her body. Rob Base was telling her, he came to get down. Her feet were sticking to the floor. She liked to entertain herself at these parties by watching people get drunk. To be the only sober person among a room full of horny college students was her only pleasure. Watching the girls preen and the guys prance was entertaining in a subversive way. Her thoughts were interrupted by a deep voice in her ear, "Having fun in this corner all by yourself?"

She looked up to see a movie star staring down at her. His long dark black hair framed his shockingly blue eyes that were made to look even bluer against his tanned skin. She felt her heart drop into her stomach.

Her face turned red as she said over the loud thumping music, "Excuse me?"

"I have been watching you all night in this corner pretending to drink your beer. Are you having fun?"

"Um... yeah a great time," she replied as she was trying to compose herself. Her head went all fizzy every time he asked her a question.

"Can I get you something else to drink instead of beer? I have wine coolers in my room," he said as he gestured towards the stairs.

"No thanks. I'm fine with the beer. Really."

His face broke out into a broad smile which displayed his dimples to full effect. "Are you sure? I can get you whatever you, rum, peppermint schnapps, but you look like a girl that would love to do a shot of Jaeger," he said in a teasing tone.

"No really. I'm good thanks." She then noticed his nose it was a bit large, almost bird-like. It was the only thing slightly amiss on his otherwise perfect face. She thought it gave him character saved his face from being too perfectly boring.

"I get it. You are a twelve stepper, can't let your sisters know," he said as he leaned conspiratorially, he lifted one eyebrow and looked around.

"Yeah, that's it. Please don't say anything," she said playing along wondering if he was in fact flirting with her. Since she spent most of her time in the library she didn't have much experience talking with handsome college boys.

He crossed his heart as he said, "You can count on me to take your secret to the what's your name?"


"Andrea, I'll keep your secret safe," he said as he shot her another huge smile.

"And who is exactly is keeping my secret safe?" She said with a large smile on her face.

He looked at her a bit shocked wondering if she was joking since most girls on campus knew exactly who he was. "I'm Nick. Nick Darcy, president of Tau Omega," he said with a tinge of arrogance and entitlement that only a young man raised in privilege could get away with.

She sensed she made some sort of mistake, "Nick, nice to meet you. I don't get out much. Sorry."

"Yeah, well being in the program you probably have to go to meetings and stuff. Right?"

"Yep, exactly and I gotta get going since I have to get up early tomorrow," she said as she tossed her beer into a garbage can.

"AA meeting? Or Rush practice?"

"Nope, neither just work."

"What kind of job would require you to get up so early on a Sunday morning?"

"I work at The Coffee House, gotta get up early to make coffee for all the professors. Otherwise, there will be riots in the quad if they don't get their French Roast."

"You work at that hippy coffee house? Andrea you are definitely an interesting girl. Aren't you?" He said as he looked her up and down. His eyes drinking her in making her feel extremely self-conscious.

"See you later," she said as she tried to hide the blush that was creeping up her cheeks again.

"Yeah, I'm sure I'll see ya around," he said trying a bit too hard to be casual.

"Probably not, but nice meeting you anyway Nick Darcy, president of Tau Omega," she said as she started to walk away.

"I'm sure I'll see you out at a party or something," he said with a bit of hope in his voice.

"I don't really go to many parties. Remember the program?" She said wondering if she was carrying the joke too far. She didn't want him to think she actually was in AA.

He took her arm and said, "Let me walk you home. It's dark and you never know what can happen to a young lady like yourself walking home alone."

"Like I could get attacked by some drunk frat boy? No, I'm good, really, thanks anyway" she said as she walked away.

Nick just watched her leave when Dando Mills walked up to him and said, "Dude what was up with that chick?"

"I have no idea," he replied completely mystified. Women didn't normally walk away from him.

"Man she's hot. I am talking H-O-T, hot. She's one sweet honey. That honey blonde hair, dark eyes and her rack. And will ya look at that ass. Don't think I've never seen that one before. But did she just blow you off?"

"Me? When was the last time a girl blew me off?" He said as he sniffed in disbelief and took a drink from his beer.

"Dude from where I was standing it looked like she totally blew you off," he said as he hit him on the back.

"Yeah, maybe she did," he said as with a shrug. Dando was one of Nick's least favorite brothers. He was always trying to one up Nick. Dando never let it go that Nick was chosen President over him. The guy got under Nick's skin every chance he got.

"I bet you can't get her to screw you by the end of the semester," he said daring Nick.

"Excuse me?" Nick said as he coughed out a sip of beer.

"I just bet you that you couldn't get her to fuck you by the end of the semester," Dando said slowly.

"Dando, that's the lamest bet ever. Even for you. I can't make that bet. Sorry. It's just too ridiculous."

"Darcy, you are scared to take this bet because you don't think you can win it."

"Seriously, what's wrong with you? I don't need to make a lame bet. I do alright and there are plenty of girls on campus who do want to screw me. In fact, there are several standing here in this basement who, well, gentlemen don't brag."

He leaned in and started to sniff him, "I smell fear my brother."

"No fear. I'm just not that interested in her. That's all."

"Okay, then I'm going to fuck her then. Since, you are not that interested."

Nick reached out his hand and asked, "Okay, what's the bet then?"

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