CHAPTER TWENTY: Haunted by Him

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Andrea was finally down to her pre-pregnancy weight between her morning work outs with Nancy and the low carb diets all the girls in the house were on. You couldn't find a carb within twenty miles of the house. These girls lived on lean protein and steamed vegetables and forget the late night pizzas when they were really hungry they ate almonds. It didn't take long for the weight to just melt off. Everywhere she went she was on the lookout for Nick. It was like she expected him to pop out at her and scare her. In her mind, she couldn't readily accept that he was really there. She decided that the best course of action for her was to do nothing to just pretend that he wasn't there. She put him back in the box inside her memory that he had been living in all these years. To her, he was just a bittersweet memory from her college years. It was just young passionate love, not real love, not the kind of love that lasts that can endure the stress and strain of life. At breakfast that day, Lisa approached her with a favor.

"Hey Andrea, can you come to this party with me tonight? I am the assistant to my professor and he is having this party for the students."

"I can't it is Wednesday and I leave right after class to go back home. Can't you find anyone to go with you?"

"Nope, no one wants to hang out with a bunch of old people. No offense." She said with a hint of an apology in her voice.

"Oh, I see of course. None taken." Andrea hadn't gone out with the girls since that first night. Pete the bouncer scared her enough that she just stayed home. She found herself working on a business plan for a mommy Web site in her free time. It was an idea that just sort of came to her.

"Um... you know it is snowing outside and it is supposed to turn into a blizzard by later afternoon. Are you sure you should be driving home?" Lisa explained as she pointed to the window.

"I didn't hear that." Andrea said as she walked to the window to see the street hidden under a blanket of fresh white snow. She watched as big wet flakes kept flowing from the sky.

In piped in Jodi who was sitting at the table eating cereal listening to her iPod while reading email on her cell phone, "Total snowstorm, the visibility will be at like minus zero." She informed them before going back to her email.

At this the phone rang and it was Steven, "Hey honey, how's it going?"

"Good. I guess. I really miss you and Nate."

"There is supposed to be a really bad blizzard today. Can you leave early?"

"I can't honey I have a test and it is like thirty percent of my grade."

"I don't think you should be driving."

"We have an SUV built for tough Midwestern winters. I'm sure I'll be fine. I really miss you guys." She said pleading with him because by Wednesday she missed Nate so badly she could run all way home just to see him.

"Honey, listen the last thing I want is for you to spend more time down there, but I don't want you to risk driving home in a blizzard either. They are predicting nine inches and low visibility. " Steven, always the voice of reason, explained to her.

"Okay Steven, if the roads are bad I will stay here one more night then. How about I call you after my test and we'll see how the roads are then?" She knew better than to argue with him, if he felt that there was even a small possibility of her getting into an accident he just wouldn't want her to drive home.

As she hung up the phone, she looked out the window there were already several feet of snow on the ground and the snow was still coming down.

Lisa was suddenly very excited. "Cool, then you can go with me? I mean if you don't go home today." She said lightly clapping her hands together while she bounced up and down on the balls of her feet.

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