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Nick pulled up in front of the house in a brand new red Jeep the top was down. The Counting Crows were blasting from his stereo. Andrea was hiding out in the TV room trying to read her book when the door bell rang. She heard his voice as he walked in, "Hey, I'm here to pick up Andrea. Could you go get her for me?"

Then Andrea heard over the echo-y intercom, "Andrea, Nick's here for you. Side door."

She sat there for a few seconds. She had to go up stairs since boys weren't allowed in the private areas of the house. She exhaled and stomped up the stairs.

"Hey, there she is," he said.

"I told you that I was busy," she replied.

At this point, a few girls gathered on the stairs to see Nick and get their fill of gossip for the evening.

He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Andy, please we have an audience. Just have one dinner with me and I promise I'll leave you alone. 'kay?"

She sighed and said, "If you promise to leave me alone I'll go get my purse." He crossed his heart and smiled at her.

The girls just stood smiling at Nick, while he waited by the door. He was relieved when Andrea reappeared with her purse. He opened the door for her and turned to the girls, "Okay, ladies see you around. Have a nice evening." As he shut the door he heard hoots and hollers from inside the house.

They drove across campus to the part of town where the professors lived Andrea starred out through the window like a captive. He kept the one-sided conversation going, "My sister is an amazing cook. You are going to have a great time."

They pulled up to a beautiful Victorian house; there was a swing with fluffy pillows and a blanket on the front porch. Their path up to the stairs was illuminated with bamboo torch lights leading all the way up to house. The soft light was punctuated by what sounded like French Jazz music. Andrea felt like she was entering into a mid-summer's night fairy tale.

He could see that she was starting to thaw out a bit, "Come on let's see what Georgie's got cooking. You'll love her trust me. They walked into the house which looked like a page from an interior design magazine every single pillow was perfectly in place.

"Georgie, we're here. Where are you?" He called out as they walked into the kitchen. Standing over the counter chopping onions with the force and rhythm of a professional chef was Georgette Darcy.

"Nicky, please for the last time it's Georgette. I know how you like to give people stupid nicknames but please I'm a grown woman now. Georgie was cute when I was like five," she said as she walked over and hugged him.

Standing before Andrea was a vision, Georgette's long dark hair was smooth as silk and her skin was lightly bronzed. She only wore a touch of lip gloss. She could have been a model, for all Andrea knew she was a model.

"Georgette, meet Andrea,"

"Hello, Andrea, so glad you could join us for dinner," she said graciously as she extended her hand.

Andrea shook her hand limply as she suddenly felt self-conscious standing next to this glamorous creature, "Thanks for having me. Your dress is beautiful."

"Oh, this?" she laughed as she waved her off and said,"It's a scarf I bought on the street in Paris last summer."

She went to pour Andrea a glass of wine, when Nick stopped her, "Andy doesn't drink."

Georgette paused and looked at Andrea like she was a curiosity, "Oh, really? Well, I have home-made lemonade in the fridge."

"Is Cameron coming?" Nick asked.

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