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With that Nate started crying and Andrea got up and went to get him. They went through the rest of the day just giving each other apologetic looks. When her cell phone rang, she noticed it was an international number.

"Where have you been?" Deanna screamed at her. Just hearing her voice mad the tears well up in her eyes.

"Deanna, your timing couldn't be better."

"What you have a kid and just drop off the face of the earth? Forget your non-breeding friends."

Andrea walked into the garage she couldn't trust herself to hold it together.

"I am sorry. It is just that...," and with that she started crying.

"Drea, do I need to book a flight?"

"Yes, I need you. There's just so much that has happened."

"I can be there in 24 hours. Should I book a spa treat for us?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

"Drea, why didn't you call me sooner? Why did you let it get this bad?"

"I know I should have. I'm so sorry. I'm a crappy friend, a bad wife and a horrible mother."

"What? A bad friend? What are you talking about? Why are you apologizing? Oh never mind, I'll be there soon enough."

True to her word, Deanna was there within 24 hours and they were sitting in the waiting area at a luxury spa sipping cucumber water wrapped in huge, fluffy terry cloth robes. They had been massaged, pumiced, filed, rubbed, exfoliated, waxed and oiled. Andrea felt like she was ready for either a boxing match or a nudie photo shoot. After Andrea told her the whole story, she just sat a starred at the wall for what seemed like an eternity.

Finally Deanna spoke, "I have heard of post-partum depression but this takes it to a whole new level. I mean to blow up your entire life in the span of what seven months? I'm not sure there is a drug out there to help you Drea."

Then for some unknown reason, they both started laughing, it started as a giggle and then erupted into uncontrollable cackles. Andrea was on the ground making loud snorting sounds, when the matronly wealthy women surrounding them began to give them dirty looks or at least tried to give them dirty looks but their Botoxed foreheads wouldn't budge an inch. Instead of dirty looks it was more like a pained stink eye, but they got the point. They were disrupting their much needed weekly treatments.

So they decided they need something stronger than cucumber water and got dressed and headed down to the bar. The bar was located in the Atrium; there was a huge fountain with two gold Peacocks frolicking in the middle of the soothing flowing water. The bar was framed with a wall of windows looking out to the John Hancock building. It's the most peaceful place in the city. They sat down at the bar made of marble.

"Two Bloody Mary's, extra spicy, please," Deanna purred at the young handsome bartender.

Andrea tapped her on the forehead, "Focus please, friend hanging on the edge needs help, please put your hormones on the back burner for two minutes."

"It's just that French men are just so fucking French. I miss manly, smelly American men. Look at that bartender with those strong arms and that tight butt. I miss all that testosterone. French men they don't exactly ooze testosterone, they ooze sexy accents and fine wine."

Deanna gave the bartender a coy smile as he set the drinks in front of them. Deanna looked the same as always long jet black hair, impossibly chic dressed in black from head to toe. The bartender didn't stand a chance.

"Okay Andrea, I must know...I mean did it take Nick five minutes to get you half naked or what?"

"Nope, more like five hours it was a record."

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