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Andrea was packing up her brief case when her cell phone rang.

"Hello, this is Andrea Nolan," she said.

"Mrs. Nolan, my name is Randy Bell and I am on the pastoral care team and St. Anthony's Hospital," he said.

"Look, I am not interested in making an donation..." she replied before he cut her off.

"Ms. Nolan, I am not calling to ask you for money. Your mother, Mary Harrison was brought through the emergency room this afternoon. There was a fire in her apartment. We need you to get to the emergency room right away."

There was a silence on the phone.

"Mrs. Nolan? Are you there?"

"Yes, yes I am. Is she going to die?"

"I am sorry due to patient confidentially; I am not allowed to discuss the patient's condition."

She hung up the phone and grabbed her purse. She ran to the elevator. Once she was in a cab she called Steven.

"It's my mother."

"Okay, what did Mary do now? Does she need more money or vodka?" he asked.

"She's in the emergency room there was a fire in her apartment building.

"What? Is she okay? What happened? Where is she?" he asked frantically.

"Listen, Steven, I need you to calm down. Call my Aunt Millie and then call my cousin Connie. Then meet me at St. Anthony's Hospital. Can you do that for me?"

"Andrea, of course I can do that."

"Okay, I'll see you there then."

"Honey, I am so sorry about the money crack."

"I know. My mom, well, she's..." just then her voice cracked and she started crying.

"Andrea, it will be okay," he said.

When she got to the emergency room, they brought her into a private waiting room for families. She waited for half an hour before the nurse came in to tell her what was going on.

A non-nonsense nurse in her early forties walked in and introduced herself to Andrea.

"Andrea, here's what we know. Your mom fell asleep with a lit cigarette in the ashtray and it caused a fire. She's suffering from smoke inhalation. We did an MRI and found two large spots on her lungs. Her liver isn't functioning properly, we assume it is sclerosis of the liver. There also is another concern that she might have early Alzheimer's. We'll want to keep her here for the next few days for observation. For a woman, in her early sixties she is in very poor health."

"She's an alcoholic."

"I am sorry to hear that. Chances are she won't be able to live alone. You will need to look into alternative care for her."

"Alternative care?"

"Either a full time nurse or a nursing home. I will send in the social worker to meet with you. He'll review all your options. I know that the police are waiting to interview you as well."

"Can I see my mother?"

"Yes, I can take you into the emergency room for a few minutes."

The nurse led Andrea into the emergency room. Her mother was lying in a bed with her eyes closed. There was an oxygen mask over her mouth. Her blonde hair was matted and covered in soot. When she took off the oxygen mask to speak, Andrea could see the remnants of her red lipstick outlining her wrinkled lips.

Mary's eyes watered as she said, "I am so sorry. I really fucked up this time. Didn't I?"

"Mom, what were you thinking?"

"I was watching my soap opera and I fell asleep," she replied starring up at the ceiling not making eye contact with Andrea.

"Mom, you could have killed yourself and possibly other people?"

She shook her head, "I know it. I am so sorry. Sorry for everything."

"Can't you at least wait until after dinner to start drinking? Or is that too much to ask?" She said as she turned away from her.

Her mother grabbed her arm, "Andrea, I am so sorry. Sorry for everything. I made a mess of my life. I am so proud of you. You turned out, look at you. You turned out in spite of me."

Andrea looked at her mother. Her eyes were pleading with Andrea. She knew she wanted absolution. She knew she wanted forgiveness, but she couldn't do it. Andrea couldn't give that to her.

Her mother started a coughing fit, tears streamed down her face as she looked at Andrea helplessly.

"Did the doctors talk to you about your condition?"

"My condition?"

"The spots on your lungs and your liver."

"Yes, I am falling apart and they can't put me back together again."

"I need to call Steven and find out where he's at."

"Are you leaving?"

"No, the police want to talk to me."

"I am so sorry, Andrea. Please forgive me."

Andrea turned and walked out of the emergency room to find Aunt Millie talking to Steven.

The next day, Andrea spent the entire day looking at nursing homes for her mother. It was the single most depressing day of her life. One was worse than the next. The conditions were abominable. At one, the perky sales person took her into the activities room. There were three old women lined up in front of one television watching morning cartoons. Each woman had a handmade afghan over there bony shoulders. When Andrea walked in they turned to look at her, each with a more vacant, hollow look in their eyes then the next.

Andrea turned and walked out the door. She went home and sat on the couch until Steven came home.

When he walked in the door, he put down his briefcase and walked over to her. He then gathered her in his arms. They sat like that for awhile.

"Andrea, Mary's dead," he said to her quietly.

She just stared at him.

"Honey, she passed away early this afternoon. Aunt Millie called me. She tried calling you on your cell, at work, here, but there was no answer."

He held her tightly, "Andrea?"


"Are you okay? You are scaring me?"

"Steven, I want to have a baby."

He then started kissing her face and her neck. She started taking off her clothes and then his clothes. They didn't speak.

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