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Contrary to what Dando told her, the rumors only grew and became even more twisted. She was approaching the dance with apprehension and a stomach full of dread. The only reason she didn't cancel was to get back at Nick. The last thing she wanted him to think is that he actually got to her. She was just going to get through this night and never see the inside of the Tau Omega house ever again.

Dando picked her up and gave her a dozen red roses. She put them in her room and thought that maybe the night wouldn't be too horrible. She let Nick get to her. Dando was harmless. Nick was crazy and he was making her crazy.

"So Andrea, I am going to stop at the liquor store. What do you like to drink?"

"Um...I'm not much of a drinker."

He laughed when he said, "Yeah, most girls I know aren't, but what do you like?"

"Wine coolers. Get me some strawberry wine coolers," she said.

When they got to the house, the party was going full blast. There was a disco ball in the middle of the basement and the DJ was playing "The Hustle." They made their way through the crowded dance floor to a quiet spot in the corner.

"Do you want to dance?" He started doing the hustle. She could see that he was a good dancer.

"Not really. Not much of a dancer."

"Why don't we just go up to my room and have a few cocktails and talk?"

"Yeah, okay. That sounds good," she answered.

She looked around and didn't see Nick. She was finally calming down. When they got to his room, he turned on some music and went to pour her a wine cooler in a glass. The room had a bed, a large sectional sofa and the biggest stereo system Andrea had ever seen. He turned on a black light and on the walls in fluorescent paint people had written sayings all over his walls. She noticed that the room sort of smelled like beer and dirty gym socks. There were CD's lining the walls. He had a small bar in the corner and a mini-fridge.

He handed her, her drink and said, "Cheers."

She smiled and then took a sip of her drink. They talked for quite awhile and before Andrea knew it she had drained her glass. She suddenly felt very tired and a bit light headed.

"I'm not feeling too well," she told him.

"Really? Do you need to lay down?" He said with a concerned voice.

"Yeah, I guess so. I don't really drink and I am really not feeling well," she said as her eyes struggled to focus.

He led her to the bed. As she was lying there, she heard Nick's voice in the hallway. Dando lay down next to her and started kissing her neck. She felt like she was going to throw up. She tried to push him off of her, but her arms felt limp at her sides.

"Dando, open the door right now," Nick was pounding on the door and yelling.

Andrea tried to push Dando off of her but she felt as those at any minute she was going to lose consciousness.

"Dando, open the fucking door," Nick shouted as he started kicking the door knob. The door started to buckle under his kicks.

Dando got up and said, "Go away man. Three's company. Got me?" he said.

"Open the door right now," Nick yelled as he kept kicking the door handle.

It was finally quiet and Dando went back to Andrea on the bed. He started taking off her shoes and pulling her jeans down. Dando had her pants off when Nick came flying through the door holding a large garbage can. The door was hanging on its hinges. Nick threw the garbage can on the ground and tackled Dando to the ground. He has his hands around his neck when two guys walked in and pulled him off of Dando. Andrea was lying on the bed unconscious.

"What the fuck Nick," yelled Dando.

He went to the phone and dialed 911. When the operator answered he said, "We need an ambulance. The address is 211 South Main Street. I have a girl here unconscious. I'm pretty sure she was given that date rape drug."

"Nick you have gone too far this time. She just had too much to drink," Dando said.

Nick's eyes were wild, he face was red when he said, "Just like that girl last spring? Or how about that other girl the year before?"

"Nick you are so far out of line here. You don't even know. Just wait until..."

"...your dad hears about this? You are so fucked right now and trust me your dad won't be able to get you out of this one," he spat back at him.

Guys started filling the room as Nick put Andrea's pants back on. "Okay we don't need a fucking audience here. Everybody get out now. Somebody go wait for the ambulance and tell them where we are when they get here. Sully, go clear out the party. We are done for the night."

The room full of men just starred at Nick. They were frozen. He surveyed the room and yelled, "Go, get out of here. Clear that party out before the police get here."

He then turned his attention back to Dando, "You are so over. When I get done with you, you'll no longer be a Tau Omega, you'll be kicked out of school and maybe you'll even go to jail,"

"Nick give it a fucking rest already. You're no saint either," he said in a condescending voice.

Nick lost it again and had him pinned on the ground, "Maybe so, but I don't drug girls and then rape them you sick fucking bastard. You are a disgrace to the gold and blue."

"Seriously, Nick? A disgrace to the gold and blue? Do you sit up at night and make this corny shit up? You are so fucking self-righteous. Nick Darcy, give me a break," he challenged him.

The paramedics then bust through the door with a stretcher and placed Andrea's limp body on it. They were checking her vitals.

"Get out, just get out. I never want to see you in this house again. If I so much as see your face in here. I will kill you," Nick said to Dando as the paramedics wheeled Andrea out of the room. Nick followed behind as people parted to let the stretcher and the paramedics through.

Janet grabbed Nick's arm and asked, "What happened to Andrea? Will she be okay? Oh, my God."

Nick kept walking and jumped in the ambulance without saying a word. Just then several police cars pulled up to the fraternity house and the people in the crowd scattered like rats.

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