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Andrea woke up the next morning with the mother of all headaches. She felt like there were little hammers just pounding away on her brain. This is why she never drank, feeling like this after just one wine cooler. What would she feel like after three? She opened her eyes and saw a large fluorescent light instead of the ceiling fan in her room. 

She looked over and saw Nick Darcy sleeping in a hospital chair. The last thing she remembered was being in Dando's room and feeling sick. She buzzed the nurse.

"Nick," she called out. He was dead asleep so she called again, "Nick. Wake up."

His eyes popped open and he jumped up next to her bed."Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Like shit. What happened?"

"Dando, he slipped you a roofie."

"A what?"

"It's called the date rape drug. He put it in your drink."

Andrea's bottom lip started to tremble, "Did he..."

"No, no he didn't I got there before...nothing happened. You are fine. Really."

She started crying out of relief and said, "You tried to warn me. Didn't you? This is all my fault."

He grabbed her face and looked deep into her eyes, "Andrea, this is not your fault. Not even close. Dando is a pig. He's sick and I'm sorry I got you involved in this. This is my fault. I never should have even taken that bet. I should've known better. I knew better. In a strange way I thought I was protecting you. I'm so sorry."

The nurse came in and checked her IV bag and took her pulse and said to Nick, "Hon, can you give me a minute here? I'll call you when I'm done with her and then you can continue to stand guard."

Nick left the room. The nurse smiled, "That's some guy you got there. You are a lucky girl.'

"He's not mine."

"He told the police everything. That guy is going to get kicked out of that fraternity, might do jail time even."

"Really?" Andrea asked as her eyes widened.

"And the fraternity is on probation, might lose their charter even."

Andrea just stared at the nurse as continued, "He stayed here all night wouldn't leave even after we pumped your stomach and told him you were fine."

"You pumped my stomach?" She asked as she realized that her throat was rough and dry.

"Some guy, you know I see a lot of crazy stuff. You college kids never seem to amaze me the stuff you can get into. But that kid, out there, well he's something."

"He's something for sure. I just don't know what."

The nurse left. Nick returned a few minutes later.

"You can go home now. You don't need to stay. Really, I'm good," she said.

"No, I told your Aunt that I'd stay until she got here. We couldn't get a hold of your mom. Is she traveling for work or something?"

"My Aunt Millie is coming?"

"She was the only relative we could get a hold of and I promised her I wouldn't leave you. She made me promise and she sounds like a lady you don't break promises too."

"Nick, is it true about the house? You guys might lose your charter because of me?"

"Andrea, not because of you but because of Dando. Dando is the one who screwed up here, not you. 'Kay?"

She just looked away and tried to fight back the tears. She but couldn't. The tears came strong and hard she was having a hard time catching her breath. Nick crawled into the hospital bed, took her in his arms and rocked her gently.

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