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Even as Andrea boarded the plane, she wasn't entirely sure that she would meet Nick. She set it up with Deanna that she would go to her apartment and decided that day. If she didn't want to go then they would spend the week together. It was the longest flight of her life. Andrea couldn't focus on the book she brought to read. Then she tried to catch up on some work. She even watched two movies and couldn't re-call the plotlines for either film.

Steven had decided that Principal Whitesides, Jenny was the woman that he really wanted to spend the next 40 years with. It seemed after all these years he could finally be honest with himself and with Andrea. When they came to take Nate for the week it was as if Principal Whitesides had reached into her chest and pulled her heart out with her bare hand and drove off with it nestled in a car seat. They were taking Nate to a cabin in Northern Wisconsin for the week. Steven promised to take pictures daily and email them to her. They even set up Skype on their laptops, so she could talk to Nate. Steven seemed happy. He was the most relaxed that she remembered seeing him in years. Since that afternoon, Principal Whitesides made an effort not to talk to Andrea. She'd already said everything she wanted to say. At this point that worked for Andrea. They just wanted to have a congenial relationship for the sake of Nate. Andrea wanted the three of them to get along. She wanted Nate to have people in his life that loved him and the more the better. At this point he didn't need to be surrounded by angry adults. 

After everything that happened, Andrea knew in her heart that she was the catalyst for everything that occurred between them. The only person she could really blame starred at her every morning in the mirror.

Andrea was scared because she loved Nick the same way she loved Nate. It would completely destroy her if it didn't work out. She wasn't sure if she was ready to be with him or if she'd ever really be ready to be with him. These were the thoughts that swirled around in her head during the eight hour flight. She even got out a piece of paper and started doing pros and cons but it was a useless exercise. Maybe just being alone for awhile would be good for her. Her business was taking off and the site was set to go live in less than ten months. Nate was growing bigger and bigger every day. It was like he was a newborn for five minutes. She wanted to savor every sweet second.

Before she knew it, the plane had landed in Paris. Deanna was waiting on the other side by baggage claim. She stood there looking like she'd just rolled out of a fashion shoot to the average observer you'd never know she was an American.She gave her a hug and then held her at arm's length to give her a once over.

"Look at you. You are going to need some serious work done if you are going to meet your true love. I have a day at the spa set up for you the works, hair, makeup, waxing, everything. And you really need it too," she said in a slightly disgusted tone.

"The eight hour flight didn't help."

"Have you been sleeping?," now her tone turned to concern.

"Um...since Steven moved out, no sleep hasn't really been going so well," she said in a dejected voice.

"I am so happy you are here. This is going to be great." She hugged her again.

"Yeah, about that I am serious I haven't made up my mind yet. It could be you and me alone together for a week."

"That's too bad."

"Excuse me?"

"I spent a fortune on sexy lingerie for you a present a belated trousseau for my dear friend."

"Deanna, you didn't need to do that. I told you I forgave you for not telling me Nick showed up the day of my wedding. It's no big deal honestly."

"Tell me what kind of underwear you have on right now?," Deanna asked in a teasing tone.

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