Jaime Reyes || Date Set

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Title: Date Set
season 1

Y/N - Your Name
Note - you're an ordinary human and i love you for that no homo tho


You sighed out loud, a very troubled, annoyed sigh. You were studying for a big test - worth half your grade. You just couldn't afford to fail this one.

You scrambled your hair, you weren't used to this kind of thing. Studying, that is. You groaned and rested your forehead into the book. Yeah you "studied" (to you, meaning: skimmed over the most important part of the book and stopped after five minutes) sometimes.

You took the history book with you out of the library and bumped into somebody. You almost fell back, but caught on to the guy's jacket and dropped your book.

"Aye, sorry herman-" he looked down at you and gulped.
"Hermosa." You squinted at him, not sure if that was a compliment or not.

He picked up your book and smiled, handing it over to you.

"Thanks." You mumbled. You couldn't look into his eyes because you felt like you would blush.

"Haven't I seen you before?" He says, and his head tilts down to meet your eyes.

"History class- right?" He asked. You began to assess him more closely and nodded.

"Jamie Reyes?" You asked.


You both nodded and smiled.

"Well I'll be damned." You smiled.

Jamie rolled his eyes and you tilted your head.


"Nothing," he said, quickly skewing the subject.
"Were you studying for the test?" He asked, eyeing the history book.

You nodded.
"Yeah, I just can't fail this one." You shrugged, and he took this as an opportunity.

"Well hey, I'm studying too so you could come over to my place, say around.. 6-ish tomorrow, and we could study." He smiled.

"Great! Where do you live?" You said, clapping your hands as he gave you a paper with this address and number.
[Winky face]

"So it's a date!" You said and covered your mouth with one hand. His cheeks became red and he scratched the back of his neck.

"I- I guess.." He trailed off. He turned around.
"I'll see you then." He said, walking away.

"Wait, Jamie?" You called and he stopped,
"Nice jeans." You smiled and he continued walking.

Little did he know that you were talking about his genes because he has the best pair of chromosomes ever.

As he walked away, you saw something small bulging out of his back, barely noticeable - but there.

Maybe for another day.


Edited: Thanks for reading even though it's terrible, nerds, I love u.

Get whelmed,
Stay whelmed.

Stay crasherous

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