Bart Allen || You Vibrate My Molecules

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Title: You vibrate my molecules
season 1

Y/n - Your Name
Note - In which what he says sounds better in his head.


"Bart you idiot!" You nearly shouted, but everyone else who lived here was fast asleep.

He approached you with a quick wink.
"Only for you, honeycomb." He said and you blinked, a little blush showing.
You smacked him up top his head.

"You know, I pictured much better results by saying that." He rubbed his head.

Your hands rested on your hips,
"Oh? Is that so? What did you picture." He started fidgeting.

"Well, you would blush and put your arms around me," he started. You slowly walked to him and did so.

"Whoa there-y/n since when did you ever actually do what I say?" You hushed him and motioned him to continue.

"You would play with my hair like you always do," you twirled his hair and he closed his eyes for a second, looking up before letting out a small groan.

"I would close the space between us and you would close your eyes." He narrated, and did that.

"And you kissed me." He waited anxiously.

"That's asking a lot for someone who keeps vibrating his molecules through the wall." You whispered into his ears and he shuddered.

"Baby, you vibrate my molecules." He said. You parted and stared at him.

His eyes widened at what he said,
"Wait that sounded much better in my head, wait not that I wanted to say that, I didn't know I was go-" you glanced down, and started laughing.

"I guess I did vibrate your molecules!" You couldn't stop giggling.

He looked down for a moment and covered his aroused shame.

"You can't hide anything in that suit, Bart." You fell to the floor, feeling like you were going to die laughing.

His face was pure red from embarrassment.
"I hate you." He announced, and you stopped to look up at him.

"No..." You said, and smiled.
"No you don't." He carried you to the couch, and it was actually silent for a minute.

Until you again burst out laughing.


Hi there, I love you all just know that. This is actually my first Impulse x Reader.
How was it?


Stay whelmed,

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