Dick Grayson || Speak Up

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Title: Speak up

Y/s/n - Your Superhero Name
Y/n - Your Name
Note - I'm sorry for going AWOL, this chapter was extremely hard for me to do and I got so stressed that I quit for a couple days(weeksimeanbutimsorry) and then it turned into weeks and then it turned into a month and I apologiiiize


Talking never seemed like much of a fun thing to do, anyway. Neither did anything that involved using your voice box. The idea of using your voice box to communicate with other living beings is revolting. You've managed to live around five years without it, you can go an eternity more.

"Alright, so what's the deal, here?" Jaime asks.

"Joker was spotted at Gotham General Hospital, possible hostages are being held there. I'll link us up." M'gann says, closing her eyes.

"What about y/s/n?" Robin asks, tapping his forehead to indicate that you're not in the link.

M'gann looks at you, you shrug it off.

"She'll be fine...?" She says in a questionable manner, you nod to approve her thought.

Using your wand, you change your clothing to match the situation, adding a full helmet/mask. How are you able to do this without speaking? With help from Dr. Fate, Zatanna, and Constantine, you were able to link and connect the wand to your nervous system, which established communication between you and your wand. The wand isn't just some fancy stick used for a cooler look (even though it does make you look cool), it is a part of you. It is you.

Your heart rate picks up speed when you see Nightwing come into the bioship, fixing his gloves and smiling like he's high. You play it off, acting like you don't notice and don't care about his presence.

"Why are you here?" M'gann asks, curious.

"It's been a while, so you could say that I'm peckish for a little action." He stands right next to you. "Well, y'know, this kind of action."

You roll your eyes.

"It was going well until you opened your mouth." Superboy grunts, crossing his arms.

You look Conner in the eyes and start clapping. You applaud and nod towards him, pointing at him as if you were saying 'Yes, somebody finally said it, that's it, you the Kryptonian'

Nightwing lightly pushes you, you turn and see his over exaggerated frown. You shrug, softly punching his shoulder and offer a small smile.

He smirks, resting his arm in your shoulder due to the height difference. You stay still, playing the loyal duty as the arm rest. It's not that bad since it includes him being near you. He doesn't even need to talk, his presence makes everything feel seemingly okay.

"Alright, so just the three... four... five, just the five of us?" Nightwing asks, clasping his hands together and removing his arm from your shoulder. He sits down at the front of the bioship, waiting. "Well, the hospital won't capture Joker, so let's get a movie on, sound cool?" He beckons everybody, telling them to hurry up.

M'gann takes off, flying to the destination.

You sit in the seat just a little bit behind him, discreetly looking at him every now and then. You can't will yourself to stop, it happens involuntarily.

Your eyes meet in the window of the bioship. He smirks and winks, you look away with a sense of bashfulness covering you like a blanket.

"Alright," Superboy says. "So we'll sweep across the hospital for Joker. But like, why does this have to be at night? Everything is more intimidating at night." He groans. They all stare at him while he crosses his arms. "Whatever." He shrugs it off.

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