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PoV - Magnus

I lay in the middle of my open air atrium in my room. Just staring, thinking about things. It had been three days since the end of our journey, since Sam was assigned her mission, since I had that conversation with Alex... Not much had happened in those three days. Went through the motions of normality, trained and worked to improve my strength. Now, I was just relaxing, taking a break to finally let my mind unwind. 

Then there's a knock at my door. I rise and go to open the door. My breath catches in my threat when I see who is at my door.


"Oh, hi Alex. What's up." Damn it, you have a more confident voice than that Magnus, you didn't have any problem while on your mission. Well... that wasn't entirely true.

"Hey Maggie, are you doin' anything right now?" he (I could tell that he was a boy right now. Don't know how, I can just... tell) asks in his starky tone of voice.

"No, not really. Just been taking a break after training basically nonstop these past few days."

"Aww, is little Beanpole tired of a little exercise?" He taunted me, steadily moving into my room as we talked. 

"Ha, ha." I pull a fake, sarcastic laugh. "No, but really, what is it you came to ask me about?"

He has finally made his way completely into my room and shuts the door behind him. I notice but decide not to say anything.

"Well, I was thinking..." His tone was softer now. "I was thinking about our talk the other day, after we had gotten back to Valhalla and you came to check on me."

"Yeah, you threw some stuff at me, I remember." I reply jokingly. He always throws stuff at me.

"Just that, you could tell my gender... You chalked it up to perceptiveness, but Magnus, I..."

"What is it, Alex?" I dropped the joking manner, I could tell there was actually something serious he wanted to say.

"You are the only person who has ever been able to just know what gender I am without me telling or anything."

"Oh." Great job Magnus, that's the best you can come back with? 

But, what was he getting at? He walked around my room, ended up by my bookshelf. It seems like he's scanning the books for something. I walked over and asked what he is looking for.

"Hm? Oh, nothing..." He seems so distant. No... anxious. Nervous. I could feel my heartbeat rising, as it had been since I opened the door and saw Alex. 

"Hey, come on." I almost put my hand on his shoulder, but decided I wanted to keep my hand a while longer. 

"I just... Magnus, I... I want to be closer to you." Closer... I barely have time to process that word before he goes on. "You are the only person who accepted right away, that didn't doubt me, that has really understood me. You... You're my best friend Maggie."

"Alex, I..." I didn't know what to say. I have had feelings for this person since I first saw him (or at the time, her.) They only grew stronger to the point that just being in this close proximity with him... It sent my heart racing. "Alex, I won't lie, I-"

"Magnus, I know. I think everyone has known. You have a crush on me."

"Well I don't particularly like the word 'crush' but sure. Yes. Is it that obvious?"

"Of course! The way you've stared, your facial expressions, the way you blush around me. The other's have pretty much known. I... I noticed things but I never really confirmed it in my head because I was afraid of being wrong. But you just confirmed it for me, and Magnus, I couldn't be happier." His eyes gleamed, he was moving closer to me. 

"Alex, do you... do you fee-"

"Yes." Then he hugged me. Actually hugged me and didn't decapitate me or anything. "I love you Magnus..." he says into my shoulder. "I always have a guard up and I act like I don't have these types of feelings, but I do and you've been such a good friend, you've helped me so much."

"I love you too, Alex." The words come out before I can think about them, but I know they are true. He tightens his arms around me when I said it. 

"You don't, you don't mind that I am a boy sometimes?"

"Not the slightest. I couldn't care less what gender you are, you are Alex and that's who I love. You, not your gender." 

He is silent for a little, we are just standing there in each other's arms. I'm the one to pull away.

"So, I would say this is my chance to ask... Alex Fierro, will you be mine?"

"Of course!" He said a little loudly. 

"Good, because I am always yours. Always here for you."

I'm staring into his different colored eyes. We are very close now. I want to kiss him... I want it badly but I hold back. 

"I'm so happy Maggie..." (I just pictured Jack with his rhyming obsession.) 


I was drifting in the nothingness having just died in battle. Waiting to resurrect. I wasn't dreaming, which I'm so grateful for. 

I begin to feel myself coming to, and I open my eyes. Everything seems normal at first, then I look over and Alex is laying right beside me. I just a little, which made her (she's a girl now) smirk. 

"You were out for a while Maggie." she said quietly. "I got back a while ago and came to check on you. You were back but sleeping so I decided to wait for you."

Her green hair is splayed out on the pillow. Her eyes are mesmerizing. I could stay here and stare at her forever. 

Neither of us say anything for a while before I finally realize that we hadn't gone to dinner. I start to bring this up but Alex hushes me. 

"We're not missing anything. I asked Samirah, nothing of importance is happening tonight. We can stay here as long as you want."

"Mmm." Is all I can manage. Finally I reach and pull her body closer to mine. She automatically put her arm around me as she got closer and then-

-I kissed her. Finally. I ran my fingers through her hair as my lips pressed against hers moving in a perfect rhythm. She kissed back wholeheartedly. I had never seen the side of Alex that I saw today, but I wanted a whole lot more.

She pulled back, breathing heavy. "I miss your long hair." I'm surprised to hear her say that, especially now. She had teased me when Blitz had to chop my hair off for that damn bowling bag. 

"You know, I do too. There's some exposed, naked feeling about having this short hair."

"I bet we can find somebody with magic to make it grow back..." She said this a little suspiciously, like she already knew exactly who to talk to and already had done so. 

"I suppose that's possible. But, I don't really want to move right now. I'm rather comfortable."

She lets out a content sigh. "Me too Magnus."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We fell asleep like this, cuddled together in my bed. I couldn't imagine a better way to end a day. 

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