Vacay in New York

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Do any of you still read Percabeth fanfiction? I honestly have read a lot more recently because I can't find enough Fierrochase and needed something to satiate my fanfiction appetite. 

But anyway, this is going to be kind of a crossover. Basically they'll meet. 



PoV - Magnus

This is it. Finally the day that I get to hang out with Annabeth and meet her boyfriend Percy. For whatever reason, Alex insisted on going with me. We are going to New York, meeting them at some restaurant there. Annabeth was slightly worried about us (me) finding the restaurant, but Alex assured her he could get me there. They had a good laugh while I pouted. 

Now we're all packed and ready for our three days in New York. Suddenly I realize I forgot something.

"What is it now Magnus? I want to get going!" Alex protested when I said I needed to go back and turned around halfway to the elevator. 

"Just a minute Alex, I just can't leave without this."

"What even is it?" he calls after me.

I don't answer as I run into my room and quickly find what I forgot. I quickly stuff it in my bag, making sure it is properly hidden. This is important. 

"What was so important that you made me waste 2 minutes of my-"

I interrupt him by walking right up to him, grab his face with both my hands and kiss him.

"If you're gonna kill me, at least do it before we leave Valhalla..." I mutter as I pull away, hoping he was okay with me kissing him like that. We've kissed before but he doesn't typically like being interrupted either. 

"N-no it's fine Maggie." he is blushing like crazy. 

I release a breath. "Okay. Good." I reach up and cup his cheek in my hand, stroking lightly with my thumb. "Okay, now let's go!" I say and nearly skip into the elevator. 

He lets out a sigh and follows after me. 

A little bit later

PoV - Alex, now female

I can't stop thinking about that kiss. We've kissed plenty before, yeah sure, but it still melts my mind every time. We are on our way to Blitzen's Best to see Hearth and Blitz. They supposedly have a way to get us to New York quick. I'm just rolling with it. I'm mostly just on this trip to spend more time with Magnus. I mean, I want to meet and get to know his cousin too, he obviously cares about her a lot. But...

I glance over at Magnus, walking beside me. His long hair is blowing like crazy with the wind. I mentally thanked Hearth yet again. Ever since that bowling bag incident where we had to cut off a lot of Magnus' hair, he had short hair. It didn't look bad, sure. But I secretly preferred his long hair. Luckily, Hearth was able to work some of his magic to get it to grow back quickly. It worked a little too well though, because it's at least a third longer than it was before it got cut off. I'm not complaining though. Neither is he. 


Well thank the gods that is over. I will always hate all this magical transportation. I don't even want to talk about it. But we made it and I recalled the name of the restaurant and the area Annabeth had said to find it in. 

"Alright, let's go Maggie. They'll probably be waiting for us by now." He sighs at my nickname for him, but takes my hand and walks with me anyway. 

We manage to find the restaurant without a hitch (thanks to none other than me) and sure enough, Annabeth and her, I assume, boyfriend are sitting in a booth awaiting our arrival. 

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