Who Needs Valentine's Day?... Right?

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PoV - Magnus

Well, here comes that day again. The day that everyone blows out of proportion and makes people like me feel like shit.


Valentine's Day.

Every year this day just feels like a storm cloud that I hide from until it passes. I mean, sure, I've seen some cute people over the years that made me wish I had a purpose for the day. But most of the time, I just wish it didn't exist; I had no use for it.

Since I died, though, things have changed. Now I have someone that I long for. Someone that I want to be my "Valentine".

Her name is Alex Fierro. And if you read the books Sr. Riordan wrote about me, you know exactly who I'm talking about.

I love her so much. I don't know why, I just felt this fire light in me that got brighter the more I was around her (sometimes him). I would get my head cut off by her over and over again by her if it meant being close to her. Of course, I would never admit that. 

So now I'm in Midgard staring at the window of a flower shop. What The hell kinda flowers would she like? Would she even like flowers? Her favorite colors are pink and green... Can I get pink and green flowers? I take a deep breath and step into the shop.

"Hello sir, what can I do for you today?" greets the man behind the counter.

"Uhh, do you have any green and or pink flowers?" I felt so stupid asking this.

"Got a special lady?" he says winking at me.

"You could say that... Well, I hope."

"Oh, so you're asking. Well, I think I have the perfect thing for you mate."

I nod and follow as he leads me towards an area so bright and colorful my eyes almost hurt. He shuffled around and leaned this way and that, then finally turned to me hold a dozen flowers all of different shades of pink and green.

"Oh my gods- er, God, those are amazing! And they smell amazing." I say with a sniff. "How much for them?"

We go to the counter and he rings up a price. I pull out my cash and pay him, leaving a 20 dollar tip for him. I would have given more but I still needed some money for the rest of my shopping spree. His face seemed kinda shocked at the tip but he thanked me graciously.

Next stop is a cozy looking sweets shop. I realize as I step inside that Alex has never told me what she likes. So, to compensate.... I buy some of everything. Thank the gods for my supply of money from Valhalla.

To avoid struggling with a ton of stuff, I put everything in a magic little bag that I got as a gift from Annabeth. It's easy to carry, but can fit a lot in it.

Okay, now. The pottery store. I know from being in her room that she has a lot, plus being a Valhalla suite they kinda provide things you need. But that doesn't stop me from finding and buying the best stuff I can find that the last working recommended me. Then I get some green hair color, since she was complaining about her roots getting dark from growth.

I can't think of anything so, and I'm nearly out of money, so I head back to Valhalla.


I take a deep breath, about to knock on Alex's door. Just as my knuckles are about to wrap the door, I hear a thud and a groan from inside. I stop and step closer to listen.

"Gods damned clay just DO WHAT I WANT!" I hear Alex shout. "Why, of all days, does today have to be the day that all my pottery turns to shit? Ggaahhh!" there's another very aggravated sound of anger and some noises that indicate she is having another go at the pottery.

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