Let's Go Camping!

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PoV - Magnus

I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm going camping with none other than Alex Fierro, my mega crush.

Yeah, I've been camping plenty with my mom, but now it's with her.

I've been planning. Thinking of a way to confess my love to her. And hopefully without her killing me.

I check for the third time that I've got everything I need and go to Alex's room.

Just as I arrive at the door, she opens it. She has in her hands a small bag. Is that really all she is bringing?

"So, you ready to go or what?" she says to me.

I smile. "Absolutely." 

So we make our way out of Valhalla to Midgard and begin our travels to our camping destination. 


"It's so beautiful here!" Alex exclaims. I nod in agreement, taking in the scenery around me. It really is beautiful. 

She turns to me and is suddenly very close. My cheeks flush and I stare, bewildered, into her intense, different colored eyes. I swear I could get lost in them, staring into each one and memorizing the color patterns of each, dark and light. 

"Soooo, we should probably set up camp, huh?" I manage to push out, trying to break the silence as she stands closely in front of him, both of us staring at each other's eyes. 

She shrugs. "I mean we could, I guess. We do only have a few hours till nightfall when it gets cold." She mutters, slowly taking a step back towards the camping supplies we brought. Like, a tent and blankets and all that. I decide not to mention that me being a son of Frey and all, I'm not really affected by extreme temperatures much. 

So we manage to get the tent set up (don't worry, we picked a spot far away from anything or anyone else. Literally the middle of nowhere. Complete privacy, no worrying about dumb laws or something.) We use our past experiences with outdoors stuff and in the end, it turns out good. Nice and sturdy. 

Alex lets out a long breath. "So, now what do you wanna do?" She asks. 

I shrug, literally having no idea. I mean, this is a multi-day trip, but I hadn't really planned on us having a lot of spare time on the first night. "How about... uh..." I trail off, not sure what to say. 

Next thing I know Alex is wrapping me in a hug. "Thanks for coming with me on this trip Maggie." I mutters in my ear. I get goosebumps at her breath on my skin. "I really needed this and I can't think of anyone better to be with than you."

My face is on fire and I don't know what to say. I tighten my arms around her as she does the same. "Me too... I mean, can't think of anyone better than you. I mean-" she cuts off my rambling by placing her lips on mine. 

"Just shut up, Maggie. I know what you mean." She says with a slight giggle as she pulls back. Her eyes have a shine in them now. Like she had just gotten a present she had been hoping for all year. "I have an idea. Nothing."

"What?" I manage to say.

"Nothing. Let's do nothing for the rest of the day. Just rest here." 

"You know, I like that idea." I agree, nodding. 

And just like that, she has pulled away and before I know it, she has a couple very big and comfy looking blankets. She shoves them in the tent.

She holds out her arm in an 'after you' gesture. "Ladies first, Mag." She says with a wild smile. 

"Ha, ha, funny Alex." But I go in anyway and gasp at what I see inside.

"Oh, yeah I forgot to mention. I had Hearthstone put a couple little charms on this tent." She says innocently. 

From the outside, the tent looked perfectly normal. Inside, it was as big as an average bedroom. It lacked accommodations, which I appreciated for the sake of the camping feel. But it was big and comfortable, yet somehow still held the completely outdoorsy camping feeling. My mouth is hanging open in astonishment. 

Alex laughs. "Quit gaping, Magnus. You've seen weirder." She points out. I manage to pick my jaw up off the ground and close my mouth. She's right. But still. 

Alex pulls me by my hand towards the space where the blankets had landed. She spreads them then looks at me expectantly, not saying anything. I get the hint and slowly get down on my knees on the blanket, sitting back on my heels, my feet pressed under me. 

She gets down in front me. "Maggie, I have to tell you something." She says, slightly hesitant. "I, uhm... I really.. aggh this is so hard." She exhales heavily. "Magnus I love you." 

My heart skips a beat. What? No way. I knew we had grown to be friends and I had serious feelings for her-yes, even love- but I never expected something like this. 

I gulp. "Alex I-"

"I'm sorry Magnus, I know you probably think I'm crazy right now, but I just couldn't keep it in anymore. You have been so kind to me and accepting and I couldn't help falling in love with you." She rushes before I can say anything. Her eyes are starting to well with tears. 

"No, no, Alex. I don't think you're crazy. Not at all. I'm surprised, but I don't think you are crazy. I guess I have no choice to spill my guts now too... I love you Alex. I have been captivated by you from the day you decapitated me." I smile and she smiles back. I cup her face in my hands, stroke her cheeks with my thumbs. The following actions have been blurred by the melting of my brain, but pretty sure we shared an amazing kiss. 

I find us cuddling, wrapped in the blankets and each other. This camping trip is already looking to be a great decision. The night passes with us sharing quite a few kisses, talking about whatever comes to mind, and just laying together finally happy that we have expressed our feelings and get to be together like this. 

The next few days pass with various activities. We go hiking, play games that involved wild animals, trees, rope, and a bungee cord. Don't ask. We find a nearby stream and obviously have fun with that. All in all, we had hella fun and got quite a bit of exercise out of it too. It was actually disappointing to have to go back to Valhalla. 

Hey guys, sorry about the wait. Hope this isn't too bad. I don't really know a lot about camping or have experience with it because the times my family made me go were awful and I hated it and refused to go again. So I had to bounce around a lot of the specific things, but I did my best. 

Remember also that I take requests and try to do my best with all of them. So if there's anything specific you want to see happen, just let me know!

I'll to you lovelies more later, thank you sooo much for reading. I love you all, bye!

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