I Want to Be (pt. 1)

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PoV - Magnus

*knock* *knock*
I knock on Mallory's door, already nervous about what I'm about to say to her. I never really had much of a chance to face my feelings before now, what with being on a quest that nearly got me killed (again) several times a day. But now that we are back in Valhalla and things have calmed down, my emotions started coming to the front of my consciousness. 

"Oh, hey Magnus. What's up?" Mallory opens the door and greets me. 

"Hey, I just was wondering if we could talk for a bit?"

"Sure, come on in." She shuts the door behind me. "What do you want to talk about?"

Breathe. "So I was just thinking that... Since you and Halfborn are dating that maybe you could..."

"Ooohh who is it? Wait let me guess. Not Sam of course... Alex?" She says over excited about the whole thing. 

"Y-yeah, it's Alex." I manage to say. The pit of my stomach seems to have disappeared, leaving behind raw floating emotions that have no idea where to go.

"I knew it! From the first day, you just couldn't stop staring at her. Of course, I wasn't with you guys for your whole quest, but I don't doubt there was more staring then too, hm?"

I think for a moment. "Yeah there was." I shrug, trying to make it not a big deal. I don't think I pulled it off because she just smirked and giggled at me. 

"Well I, personally, think you would be adorable together." She says and I blush. 

"What if she doesn't like me though? She's so guarded, I can't imagine..." I trail off. 

"Magnus, Alex clearly has a lot going on underneath the surface. Even just her genderfluidity is a sign of that. And I'll be completely honest with you, she's been the most open with you about anything. She has told you things that the rest of us couldn't even get her to acknowledge."

I think about this. I never really noticed it. I mean, we both come from a messed up background, so I guess that could be a connection that she could feel more open to. I shake my head, "Mallory, even if that's the case I feel like should would cut my head off again before she would want to be so much as a close friend."

"Magnus I swear, sometimes you are so dense." She says putting her fingers to her temple. "You are probably the only person that she would want to be a close friend with, if not even more. No, not probably. Definitely. You are the only one."


She just shrugs. "People like Alex aren't accepted very easily by most. Especially being a child of Loki. People won't trust her, or they'll think she's a freak, or not bother to even try to understand her gender. But you are different Magnus. You accepted her from the start. You never questioned her motives, trusting her. You even tried to understand her genderfluid, and even though you may or may not understand it, she really appreciates it, more than you know."

"Mallory, how do you know all this?" It is astounding to me how much she is able to say to me. 

"Mallory knows allll." She says with a mischievous smile and a wiggle of her eyebrows. I just look at her. "Plus, I pay attention." 

I nod. "So... can you help me? Try to get closer to her? Maybe even... you know, ask her on a date..."

She laughs. "Of course I can Magnus! But how much are you gonna pay me?"


"Just kidding. I'll do it for free. This time."

"This time?"

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