Cutie at the Shelter

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Imagine Alex and Magnus meeting in a shelter. Before they die. Okay, that's the premise here. 

PoV - Magnus

It's been three weeks since I came to this shelter. I've moved around a lot, but something has made me stay at this one longer. 

And something, I mean someone. 

And by someone, I mean that green haired cutie that I keep seeing. 

We've talked. Kinda. Okay, I said hi to her once and she glared at me. Some people were calling her a boy but for some reason I just get the feeling she is actually a girl. Not that it matters to me either way. 

Today I decide to do something. Crazy. Possibly suicidal. I'm going to talk to her. 

I walk over to where I see her, sitting on a bench. She seems kind of cold and suddenly I am happy that I have an extra big coat that I typically don't need. 

I sit subtly beside her. 

"Who are you, and what do you want?" She snaps at me. 

"Hi, my name is Magnus Chase. You look cold so I  brought you this coat." I hold the coat out to her. 

"Thanks, but I'm f-ffine." She says as she suddenly shivers violently. 

"You're cold." I reach around and put the coat over her shoulders. 

"Excuse me who do you th-think you are?" 

"Just someone who cares. What's your name by the way?"

She hesitates. "A-Alex Fierro." 

"That's a nice name."

She smirks and barks a laugh. "Gee thanks Maggie." 

"My name is Magnus..." 

"I know." She continues to smirk and I notice she has stopped shivering since I put the coat on her. 

"Well then. I like your hair." I blurt out. 

She blushes. Blushes. "Uh thanks. It needs to be touched up at the roots but, you know," She spreads her hands, "Can't exactly afford that, can I?"

I chuckle. "No, I imagine not." I think about the stash of money that I have saved up, stashed in a sock in my bag. No one knows about it, not even Blitz and Hearth. "I might be able to help!" I blurt and instantly wish I could pull the words back in. 

She looks at me, confused. "How would you be able to help me. You don't exactly seem to be in any better position than me."

"I, uh, I..." I stammer. Fuck, what do I do? "I may or may not have maybe possibly built up a stash of money... Never really knew what I would do with it, just been saving it." 

She gapes at me. "Are you serious?" I brace myself, the look on her face makes me feel... threatened. Then I'm shocked as she grabs my hand excitedly. "You would actually use that money just to help me get my hair done? You don't even know me." 

"Maybe so, but I still want to help you. Plus I think you- your hair is really cute and it would be a shame if it was ruined because of roots."

She blushes. Or maybe it's just the cold. Ehhh... 

"Y-you think I'm cute? Wait, and you think I'm a girl?" She asks incredulously. 

"You are aren't you? Oh damn, if your a boy and I thought you were a girl I'm so sorry. You just give me a... a girl vibe I guess. I don't know." 

Suddenly she laughs. "Yes I am a girl. Right now anyway." I guess I look confused. "Most people always think I'm a boy. I guess sometimes I am, but most of the time I'm a girl. No body ever really thinks that right away." 

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