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Hello! It's me, derp_eyes! And basically, this is a romance/drama/mystery/fanfiction/hurt-comfort/family (I swear there was more categories to go with this) story about Orson Krennic and friends (but mainly Orson). Why is this story here? Well, besides for your entertainment, there's a reason behind it.

For a while, I've been fooling around with my other story Rogue TXT: A Star Wars Story, which is basically a texting book about randomness between the Rogue One cast and more. I've decided to write this story alongside Rogue TXT as a bit of a booster for the texting book. How is this booster? It's a weird one to explain.

I only have a limited time of funny ideas before my brain gets tired out and I go brain dead. I guess you could think of it as a funny meter. With each funny/random chapter that I write, the meter goes down just a little bit. Eventually it reaches a point where I can't come up with a stupid idea. When this happens, I start writing more serious stories and will not write anything humorous for a long time (the longest time I didn't write something funny so far was about two months). However, with each serious story/chapter, my funny meter starts to go up. Eventually it's refilled and I can write crazy chapters and stuff.

And that's pretty much why this story is here. My brain is starting to run low on good ideas for the Rogue TXT and I don't want to take a really long time between updates (like my other story I Guess I'm Family Now).

So I will stop talking now and let you go on to enjoy the story. Thanks to anyone who might be interested in this book and if you made it past my boring ramble, you're awesome!


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