Chapter 22. I'll Spend an Eternity

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Oh. My. Greedo. This is the final chapter.

I don't own anything.
Orson's P.O.V.

If anyone had told me ten months ago that I was going to become great friends with some of the Rebellion members, I would have laughed and probably classified them as insane.

Well, that's exactly what happened and I didn't regret one bit of it. I actually love having friends and the feeling of compassion towards others. All the years I spent loathing at everything that didn't happen my way made me blind and mute to other's feelings. I can't be grateful enough to Lyra and Galen for taking me in and restarting my life.

So here I am, nine months after I entered the Realm of Muertos and things are running smoothly between the Rogue One crew, Lyra, Galen and me. In those nine months, I noticed Cassian has fallen deeply in love with Bodhi. Heck, they even take the Markavipes to other planets to have picnics (because for some reason, Bodhi prefers picnics over fancy restaurants). The best part is how they assigned me the role of Third Wheel without my consent. It's more exciting than it sounds and I don't have a problem with it. I get to hear their little "first world problems." Bodhi is often worried that he might be too clingy to Cassian, and Cassian is fearful that he'll do something that will hurt Bodhi and make them break up. The two come up with the most bizarre reasons to why they haven't done something, or they're afraid to do. It's honestly hilarious to listen to their poor reasoning but I've never told them that.

But enough about Bodhi and Cassian right now. Let's talk about Chirrut and Baze. Actually, I don't have much information about Chirrut and Baze. After I came out of my coma, the two took off and no one has heard from them since. I'm not too worried, though. They know how to take care of themselves just fine. They're probably doing what Chirrut wanted; to spend the rest of their time in this realm together and in peace.

Lyra and Galen are back to their daily routine and have been housing some of former troopers until they can find a home of their own. Aside from that, Lyra has returned to taking care of the Markavipes, Allura and Amon, and her garden. Galen got his hands on some Kyber crystals and is returning to researching them without the fear of me trying to steal his knowledge again.

Malik and Ryln are Galaxy traveling, as far as I know. I think they might just want to find out what this realm has had to offer. Like Chirrut and Baze, I haven't seen them since the first week I came out of the coma, except I don't expect to hear from them ever again. They didn't strike me as the type that would return.

As for me, well, I have been spending my time exploring the Galaxy myself with Jyn. We ride Ryuk to exotic places and I discover that the Realm of Muertos is a beautiful compilation of star systems. Sure, it's different than the Realm of Viva but I think that's what makes it such a wonderful place to explore.

Currently, Jyn and I are at Bodhi, Cassian and K2's place. Apparently some of the form trooper troops helped Cassian, Bodhi and K2 rebuild a home where Bodhi's cottage used to be. As far as I can tell, Bodhi loves his new home to pieces.

Right now, Jyn with Bodhi, practicing Bodhi's coordination with his mechanical arm while I head down to the beach side, where Cassian is. Gumdrop is at his feet, her eyes half closed. I'm not sure where K2 is but I probably don't want to know.

I see Cassian has a knife of some sort in one hand and a small metal object in his other hand. Cassian glances over his shoulder and smiles at me. "What do you think?" He asks, holding up the metal.

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