Chapter 4. Bodhi Rook

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I don't own Lucasfilms or Disney or any partnerships with them.
Orson's P.O.V.

I was right. It was going to be a very long night. I've been wandering aimlessly for nearly an hour when I hear something behind me. And for some reason, I freeze. Me hand slips to my holster and rests on my blaster. When I don't see or hear anything for a few moments, I realize I must be just paranoid. This IS my first full night alone in the realm of the dead. I relax and start walking.

A growling noise prompts me stop dead in my tracks again. I slowly turn around this time and make out the shadow of a giant six-legged beast. I can see three gigantic tusks hanging from its jaw. It has a large hump on the middle of its back. Short horns swing side to side with the tip of its whisking tail. And to make things worse, the little beady eyes are staring straight at me.

It starts marching towards me. I find myself backing up as I seize my DT-29 pistol and point it at the beast. Three shots. That's all my blaster holds before I have to reload it. I aim for the beast's head.

The beast charges. My pistol goes off. It's a clean shot to the head but the beast doesn't slow down. I fire again. The beast remains unaffected. This is just great. I fire one more time in vain before running. My heart pounds profoundly as the beast chases me.

Have you ever tried running on uneven, unfamiliar ground in the dark when you're exhausted? It's not easy. I trip hundreds of times, barely catching myself from making contact with the ground. As I run, I realize the unnecessary running I did early was taking a toll on me. My legs feel weak. I begin to count the seconds until I collapse.

The second finally came around and I fall to the ground. The rocks are not kind to my body, causing me to cry out. When I look up the beast is snorting over me.

I slip the rifle off my body and fire at the beast's neck. The beast's skin deflects the shot, which doesn't make the situation better. The beast is even more agitated than before. His foot comes down near my head and I hardly have time to roll away. I drop the rifle in my attempt to escape. This situations really couldn't get worse.

The beast continues to try and flatten me. Thankfully, I roll to my feet and find a solid footing. If I can't shoot this thing, maybe I could stab it. I seize the electro knife from my utility belt and swing my arm forwards.

It never reaches the beast's skin. I don't remember what happened next but all I was aware of was how much pain my side was in. My vision starts to cloud over and everything begins to blur. I really was going to die, wasn't I? Ironic, considering this is the realm of the dead.

I probably would have died, had it not been for the Jedi Temple Guardian that appeares out of nowhere. The Temple Guardian pulls his double lightsaber out and engages with the beast. I can make out the shapes of the beast and Guardian dancing with each other. I can't tell how far away they were nor what was exactly happening, but I could hear the beast squealing in fear, so I assume the Guardian has everything under control.

Eventually, the beast runs off. The Guardian waits a moment, watching the beast run, before turning and walking towards me. As they got closer, my clouded vision starts to trace the Guardian's outline. It was a human; a male to be exact. He was slightly shorter than I was and his double lightsaber was actually a staff. He says some things to me and I just nod. The man hoists me to my feet. He forces me to walk until we find shelter or something along those lines. I don't remember most of the walk. I closed my eyes, gritting my teeth to outlast the pain in my side.

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