Chapter 12. A Clue

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I don't own anything.
Orson's P.O.V.

This place is a wreck. Between the destroyed cottage and Bodhi's wails, I don't know how much more I can take from this realm. I wish I hadn't spent so much of my life in the physical world whining and claiming my life sucked. Currently, my life in the Realm of Marstoes or whatever this place was called makes the Realm of Vivid look peaceful. Perhaps our "merry" little band was cursed from the beginning.

Lyra and I are scavenging through the destruction, looking for some sort of clue to who did this. Gumdrop is helping by yipping at the small flames that surround the area. Bodhi and Cassian are off aways. From what I can see, it looks like Cassian is trying to calm Bodhi down... and failing.

Why did things have to happen to us like this? Why couldn't we just enjoy our lives as living dead people? At this point, I would trade my ghost life for some harmony for the four of us.

My mind begins to wander and I think of Jyn. I've been thinking about her a lot since Cassian came up with his Kyber crystal necklace theory. Lyra let me keep the necklace after I told her what Cassian thought. I know she wasn't too keen on the theory but if it meant finding her family, she was willing to go with the flow. I reach up to cradle the crystal in my hand and close me eyes. If the Force is real, maybe I'll hear a little voice from the pendant telling me where Jyn and Galen are. Unfortunately, nothing happens so I give up.

Gumdrop is still yipping at a dying flame. The yips are starting to get to me so I stamp out the flame for her. Gumdrop looks content until she notices another little flame not far off. She runs over and starts yipping again. This is why I never got a dog.

Night time comes and the four of us do some camping. Lyra asks us about night watch to try and distract Bodhi, who is beyond depressed. "It's possible the Empire could appear again," she says. "We need someone to stay awake to watch over the others. We'll switch every few hours."

"I'll go first," Cassian offers.

"No," I objected. "You should go second to last. I'll go first and then Lyra."

Cassian frowns. "And why is that? Who told you to dictate the night watches?"

I sigh. Leave it to Cassian to make things rougher. "Bodhi needs you for the first half of the night and you'll be able to help him more than Lyra or I can. Can you please just follow along with this plan?"

Cassian nods. The three lay down and I walk to a higher area so I can see farther. Gumdrop follows me and whines when I sit down. "What is it?" I ask her. She paws at my leg. What is that supposed to mean? I talk Geonosian to her, even though I know she doesn't understand me. The dog stares at me intensely.

I think I might have fallen asleep at some point because when I woke up, it's morning. For some reason, my hair is all slobbered. Had Gumdrop tried to comb my hair with her tongue? Gross! I sat up. "Stupid dog," I moaned and turned around to see if the dog was behind me. Nope, it was that Markavipe. Behind the baby were two giant Markavipes, which I could only assume we're the parents.

Lyra's P.O.V.

Well, I found out what kind of a watchman Orson was last night. When I woke for my shift, I didn't even know where he was. Cassian and Bodhi were snoring atrociously so I set out to find Orson. I find him a few hundred meters away, sleeping. Great watch job, Orson.

I spend my watch time searching through the ruins of the cottage, which is hard to do in the dark. There's not much to look at, though I did find some sort of scrap metal with scribbles on it on the outskirts of the wreckage. Sadly, I don't have enough light to read what it says. I pocket it just in case it's important it. As I search mechanically, my mind wanders back to when Galen was kidnapped.

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