Chapter 14. Battle Plans

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Well, shoot. I officially do not like school work. It gets in the way of writing fan fictions.

I don't own anything.
Cassian's P.O.V.

"How are you alive?" I demand as I hug K2. "I thought you had died for good!"

"How are you alive?" The droid retorts. "I'm fairly sure we came here the same way."

Baze speaks up. "Actually K2's parts came through the portal with me. I just had to assemble him."

"And being the technician he is, Baze downgraded K2's joints!" Chirrut chimes. Chirrut doesn't see the glare he earns from Baze.

Bodhi skips forwards and starts looking at K2's joints. "Nothing I can't fix," he said. "So long as K2 is okay with it." The droid nods lets Bodhi fix him up.

While Bodhi works, I spend some time introducing Orson and Lyra to Chirrut and Baze. It's amazing that Chirrut is so willing to trust Orson and Lyra quickly. I think he trusts them more in a few minutes than I trust them currently. Baze is a little on the skeptical side.

We then get around to discussing the clue we found from Galen and have Bodhi read the note out loud. "Krysilos, Balwen and Scarif," Chirrut repeats. "I have been to Scarif but not Balwen. And where is Krysilos?"

"You're standing on Krysilos currently," says Baze. "I know some of our Rebel friends visited Balwen. They said the Empire forces have been gathering there for a while. Probably not a good sign. And Scarif is nonexistent in the Galaxy of the Dead."

"I think Galen was out of his mind," said K2. "Otherwise he would have wrote something more useful to us."

Lyra growls. "Galen wrote the clue for a reason. He had a gift of being able to see into the future and could often direct things his way."

"If that's the case, then we just have to play his game in order to make things work out for the better," Orson says.

"What game?!" Baze demands. "We barely have any leads."

"You mean besides visiting Balwen," I correct. "Somehow, that leads to getting on Scarif."

We talk back and forth until we bore our brains out. K2 suggests we spar against each other. We draw grass pieces to determine our matches. Bodhi and Lyra get the longest two, Chirrut and Baze (who are considered as one for reasons) are against K2 and I'm paired up against Orson.

Lyra and Bodhi go first. While they fight, I think about what happened last night. I know Bodhi reaaalllyy likes me and while I don't share the same deep feelings for him, I do care for him greatly. I'm not sure why I chose to kiss him as a way to calm him down. Perhaps I was overtired and not thinking straight. But something deep inside my conscience tells me that I'm just making up an excuse.

I look over at Baze and Chirrut. The two are playing rock, ship, saber. Chirrut is somehow cheating and always winning against Baze. Either that or Baze knows what Chirrut's going to play and is losing on purpose. K2 is entertained by the game and plays some rounds himself.

I change my view and fix my eyes on Orson, who's fingering the Kyber crystal and watching Lyra and Bodhi. I wonder what he thinks of being on this team. Does he feel like he's forced to become our ally? Is he planning something against us? How does he see each individual? I must have been staring too long because Orson turns my way and frowns. "What is it?"

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