Chapter 16. Son of a-

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Time for a little PG-13 action. But hey, that's Star Wars for you.

I don't own anything.
Orson's P.O.V.

I have never seen a droid move so fast. Impy, I mean, K2, swings his arm and knocks me out of the way, his arm getting hit by the blaster shot while I'm tossed across the ground. "You slow humans," the droid scoffs and pulls out the pistol from the concealed compartment in his leg. He begins firing at Tarkin along with everyone else. Tarkin hides behind some impernatrable metal and calls for backup.

My heart drops when some of the wall panels twist to let stormtroopers in from the side. K2 and I duck behind a control panel and the others copy with different items around the room.

"Great," I mutter. "Just what we wanted. A hundred stormtroopers against nine of us."

"That may be so but you already forgot what Cassian said," said K2.

"Yeah, and what did he say?" I reach around the panel and shoot a few troopers.

"Make nine soldiers feel like ninety."

"I don't think those were the exact words..."

"Shut up if you want to live."

"I am the leader here! You should shut up."

"You are not getting anywhere by shouting and claiming you are the leader."

I sigh. K2 is right. He's also right when he peeks around the control panel and says "We've gotta shut those doors or we're going to be overwhelmed. I can override the controls and do that."

"I'll cover you." I don't hesitate and shoot as many of the stormtroopers as I can while K2 begins working on sealing the area off. Cassian and Bodhi cover K2 as well by taking out stormtroopers with their staffs. Baze and Chirrut are dealing with the ones coming from down the hall. I'm not sure where Lyra, Malik or Rlyn are.

The troopers aren't using the pellet shots. They're using the normal electro shots. Some of the shots hit me but they don't hurt as badly as the physical world's electro shots. This only motivates me to shoot the troopers faster.

However, I seem to have forgotten the basic rule in the Realm of the Muertos. You can't die. The stormtroopers that I have hit are back up and swamping us again.

My blaster is shot from my hand just as K2 hacks through the base programming and shuts the walls. The stormtroopers have stopped coming in but that doesn't really change anything. Not yet, at least. I pick up my blaster and reload it. I wish I had my staff to take out the stormtroopers closet to me and use less of my limited charges. Ryln had my staff so she could bring it in and I wouldn't look suspicious when I confronted the Empire. K2 is shooting at the troopers now and the situation is starting to look hopeless. Then I notice Tarkin behind the cloud of stormtroopers. He's doing something to the portal. I can't see what but it's probably not good.

Someone shoots my chest and knocks the wind out of me. I flop down behind the control panel to catch my breath. I see Lyra sniping from one of the roof rafters. "Lyra, what's Tarkin doing?" I ask through the coms.

Lyra pauses her shooting to take a look. I see her eyes widen. "He's opening the portal!" Great. I have to get to Tarkin and shut off that portal!

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