Chapter 19. Bulletproof Heart

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Okay... so there's some more OOCness by Tarkin and Galen in this chapter... okay there's quite a bit of OOCness for Galen. But hey, fanfiction.

I don't own anything.
Galen's P.O.V.

I watch in horror as Orson approaches Tarkin. "Orson, no!" I cry. "You can't do this!" I pull on the handcuffs even more. My wrists are raw from the damage that I've done from pulling so hard earlier. I should be the one to die since I didn't have the willpower to turn down Tarkin's demands to make this portal and the pellets he calls bullets.

Orson stops walking about three meters away from Tarkin. I'm scared of what will happen and Jyn looks concerned, too. Tarkin, on the other hand, is enjoying the moment. "Trying to be the hero, Orson Krennic? You were far better off as a director than you will ever be as a hero. I'll say this once. Get out of the way. Let me take care of the two pests behind you and I'll give you a promotion. You can be back on the council if you want."

"Does it look like I care about the kriffing council or Empire anymore, Tarkin?" Orson growls. "You've caused so much pain to everyone you have met. I'm going to end this here and now."

"Orson! Please! Don't do this!" I beg. I can't lose my best friend to the Empire again. Orson bolts towards Tarkin and I can see what's going to happen seconds before it does.

Tarkin's pistol goes off. Jyn squeaks and covers her head and I do the same. When I look up, Orson has a deep cut on his left arm. But he's reached Tarkin and is trying to achieve a knock out. Tarkin shoots the pistol again and the bullet lodges itself into Orson's right leg. Orson winces and grips the wound. However, the pain seems to have fueled his will to fight. Orson keeps attacking Tarkin and it's scary. I've never seen him this angry before.

Jyn looks at me helplessly and I can see terror on her face. I don't blame her. Orson has become a fighting machine and I'll bet Jyn saw a wide variety of his skills when she crossed over to this realm with him.

Tarkin whips out his electro knife and Orson receives a large incision over his left eye, causing him to scream in agony. I can't handle it anymore. I slam my hands against the concrete pole and break them. It hurts like hell but at least I can pull my hands out of the cuffs now. "Jyn, stay here," I command and run over to help. I seize the metal piece Jyn had been holding when she came through the portal.

I get between the two and push Tarkin backwards with my fist, then use the metal piece to give Tarkin a few nicks, driving him away from my friend. I've never hurt someone like this before and it takes every bit of my mental strength I have to be able to injure Tarkin. I kick Tarkin in the stomach, sending him sliding across the room. Then, I run over to Orson's who's struggling with the blood dripping into his eye. "Hold still," I commanded and carefully used my sleeve to wipe away the blood.

"Thanks." Orson smiles at me and I can't help but smile back. Then Orson's grin disappears as he says "You built that portal, right?" I nodded, ashamed of my mistake. "Then you know how to reverse engineer it. I'll keep Tarkin busy. Get that portal shut down." I nod again and run to the portal while Orson charges at Tarkin.

Everyone has their secrets and one of mine that I had never told anyone, not even Lyra, is I always build a self-destruct trigger area on my bigger projects to disable them if they become too dangerous. That way, no one can use my creation as a potential weapon. The portal is no different. I override the portal system to shut it down before I blow it up. It will do less damage if it's off. The system says it will take a moment to shut down everything. Fine. I just have to hope Tarkin doesn't notice what I'm up to.

The minute feels like forever. But it finally shuts down. I carefully time pressing the self-destruct trigger until Orson and Tarkin are far enough away that hopefully it won't hurt them. Then I set off the explosion. A loud CRACK splits through the air along with a shock wave. Jyn is thrown off her feet and Tarkin and Krennic go flying across the room. I'm knocked to the ground and slide across the floor a little ways.

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