01: Parasomina

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** Okay, obviously I'm starting a new story. This will be a boy×boy story with Liam and an OMC, so if you don't like then don't read. Or if you like Layden because you will not find that is here. The name of the chapters will be what episode the chapter takes place but doesn't mean it will fully follow the show.

If you are still here, then enjoy the story. I hope you like it.**

"Something is going on with him. And I bet Lydia, Scott, Stiles- there whole little group- know about it, too."

Alec slammed his locker door shut after gathering all his books. As much as he loved Mason, really he was a darling friend, he way fed up with the constant babbling about how Liam was hiding some big secret and that since he and Alec were Liam's best-and only- friends they should know said secret.

Alec honestly didn't care. Liam was his friend but he was allowed to have his secrets. Alec had a fair few himself. He understood when people needed their privacy or discretion. That's how he lived his daily life. Why would he want anyone to know what was happening inside his home? His father was a cop who worked most days and for very long hours, preferring the company of his fellow officers than that of his son and sick wife. And when he was actually home, and his mother was having a good day, they would both bicker until one slammed the bedroom door and basked in darkness and silence and one slammed the front door, relishing that they weren't in the house anymore. His mother had a severe case of depression and an addiction to alcohol and on most days couldn't even get out of bed. She relied on Alec making her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He took care of her instead of the other way around.

Liam was the only one who knew about Alec's home life. Before they became freinds, they had to work together on a project. Liam had come over to Alec's house to find said boy helping his mother off a sick covered couch. Bottles of cheap wine littered the floor and the woman cried against her son's shoulder. When Alec noticed Liam, he broke down and practically begged the boy to never tell a soul. Liam never did. He'd ask Alec how his mom was doing and sit with him are lunch, and soon a friendship blossomed.

So yeah Alec could understood and appreciate if Liam wanted to keep something secret. He didn't care that Liam hadn't told him. If Liam hadn't come over that day, he would still be in the dark about Alec's life. Maybe there was a good reason for it. Which is why Mason's pestering was really annoying him.

"Who the hell cares what he's hiding? Let him hide whatever he wants and forget about it. Jesus," Alec snapped, clenching his eyes shut and taking deep breaths before reopening them.

Mason look hurt. His face fell and shoulders slumped forward. Alec immediately felt guilty. This was one problem with Liam and Mason, when you hurt them they lool like sad little puppies and all you wanted to do was curl them into your chest and tell them everything will be perfectly fine.

Before Alec could apologize, Liam ambled up to them. He looked back and forth between his two friends easily sensing the tension.

"What happen? Alec steal one of the boys you like?"

Alec huffed. "He's being annoying. I'm cranky. And, according, to Mason you're hiding something that he is positively determined to figure out. Now lets go to History."

Alec didn't even look back as he turned on his heel and headed to his class. Today was already starting off bad.


Around lunchtime Alec was completely 100% done with school even if it was only the first day. The only remotely funny thing that happened today was that Liam got stuck in the seat next to Hayden Romero, the girl Liam punched it sixth grade who punched him back, and sat in gum she put in his seat. Then he found out his locker was also next to hers, and she was still very unhappy about what had happened between the two.

Other than that today sucked and he wanted to get home, or well out of school. Liam and Mason sat next to him talking about some random subject that Alec really couldn't even try to pretend he cared about. Instead, he slumped in his chair and rested his head comfortably against Liam's shoulder and closed his eyes. Liam paused his conversation and looked at the exhausted boy.

"You okay?" he murmured quietly.

Alec nodded shuffling to get more comfortable. He sighed and Liam went back to his conversation. All Alec wanted was to be done with this prison.

The rest of the day seemed to drag on slowly and by the time the final bell rang he was already rushing out of his seat and to his car. Liam had said Stiles was giving him a ride because he needed his help. Alec didn't question it. He put the keys in the ignition, started the car, and then drove away.

When he got home, he checked on his mother-who was sleeping soundly in her room- took the tray of food he'd given her for breakfast to the kitchen, and then walked upstairs to his room and fell into bed.

He was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Liam didn't really understand why they were following Theo and why Stiles was so sure that he was evil. Liam had tried to sniff out anything unusual in the boys odor but could only catch the scent of his soap and a deep sadness. Turns out he was throwing a flower into the river his sister died at. Then Liam fell in a hole and Theo figured out what they were doing. He tried to convince Stiles he could be trusted but Liam could easily tell Stiles didn't believe him.

It got even more embarrassing because Scott was waiting patiently by Stiles jeep, leaning against his bike. Liam had tried making a joke to crack the tension but it hadn't worked. Stiles ended up punching his jeep and Scott took away the pain. Liam sat quietly in the drivers seat not wanting to interrupt them.

Stiles had huffed in irritation and hopped in his jeep asking Liam where he wanted to be dropped off at. Liam had told him to drop him off at she school so he could meet Mason and finally tell him about his situation. He had a very long and grueling conversation with Scott asking permission first.

So finally he told Mason his big secret after being chased by an actual wolf. Mason had seemed ecstatic and couldn't wait to tell Alec. Liam had made him promise not to utter a single word. Liam wanted to tell Alec himself. He didn't need anyone else doing it. It was the least he could do.

"Fine," Mason huffed. "But if you two aren't dating by the end of this school year. I'll kill both of you."

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