Please, don't send me away

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The fire sprouted from Alec's hand

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The fire sprouted from Alec's hand. It licked at the sleeve of of his father's shirt before catching and eating its way up his arm. The sharp shriek of his mother pierced his ears, startling him into losing his grip and abling his dad to wrench his arm free. His mother, in a state of panic, grabbed he nearest pillow and slapped it against the persistent fire.

Alec watched with a smile on his face. And then instantly felt sickened they he could enjoy such a thing. His fingers trembled against his leg, and his tears burned his eyes. He reached out, tentatively, and scooped up the remaining puff of fire, watching it flicker menacingly in his hand before curling his fingers around it and extinguishing it. What the hell was I doing? What did I just do?

"I-I'm sorry," he whispered, voice breaking. His mother was gripping his father's arm tightly, breathing harsh and heavy. It hurt to see her look so afraid of him. His father wasn't though. No, fear wasn't present on his features, just pure rage.

"I want you out of this house. Now."

Alec opened his mouth to protest, but his father silenced him with a wave of the hand.

"No, I don't want to here it. I've put up with a lot of things. Pretending to believe in the lies the Sheriff tells in order to hide the truth of the supernatural. But I will not deal with my son being one." His father was panting with rage. His whole face turning red and a sneer gracing his lips. "As far as I am concerned, you are no longer apart of this family. You are not our son. Now, get out of this house."

The sensation from before burned through his body. Anger bubbled in his gut. Fine, if they didn't want him in this family then he wouldn't be. He would erase everything to do with this pathetic excuse for a family. Starting now.

Fire erupted on the curtains shielding the drama in the house from those on the outside. It crackled and spread up the side until it licked at the ceiling and enveloped it in its fiery embrace. His mother lurched off the couch with a scream and scrambled across the room to the phone sitting on its cradle.
He pushed in the number and pressed the phone to his ear.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My house is on fire and my parents are stuck inside," he replied in a monotonously. "Send help."

With that he watched the fire envelope the ceiling until the roof caved in and his parents were crushed under the ruble. He turned on his heel and strolled out of the fiery mass, with a small smile on his face.

To say Alec was bored was a huge understatement. After he had basically burned down his house, and his parents who were both currently in critical condition at the hospital, Theo had forbade him from leaving their little underground tunnel home. Killing your parents wasn't part of the plan he had snaped. Stop trying to undermine everything I've been trying to do. Just do as your told. Alec had proceeded to roll his eyes and stuck out his tongue when Theo his turned away from him.

All the others had filed out one by one, seeking different things to keep them from going over the edge. Corey was helping clean up the mess of which is the Beacon Hills High library. Josh was heading out to Sinema to drink until either he wasn't able to feel anything or until he could feel anything other than the nothingness that filled him. Tracey and Theo were heading to the hospital to kill the only remain witness of the savage massacre of he father. Alec had wondered if Theo would make him kill of his parents if they managed to survive the severe burns covering their skin. Even if they did survive, and Theo didn't make Alec kill them, they would never be a family again- never have a home again that wasn't partially burnt or stained with soot and ash and reeking of smoke.

He felt guilty for the fire he had started in his home. The thrill of the adrenaline coursing through him burning away and leaving a dull ache behind.

Alec had somehow manage to lose control and nearly killed his own parents. He had did it willing and didn't feel anything until after the fact. What did that say about him? That he wasn't as innocent as everyone use to say? That he was sick and twisted and some kind of demented killer?

The room felt to small all of a sudden. Air wouldn't flow into his lungs. Harsh, choked coughs filled the room as he tried desperately to suck in a breath. Tears leaking from his eyes and fingers scrabbling at his neck, breaking flesh with claw-tipped fingers. He could feel the blood bubbling at the cuts and rolling down his skin but he still couldn't breathe. Maybe he wouldn't ever be able to breathe again.

A name and face floated through Alex's head. A boy with brown hair and blue eyes that sparkle when he's excited or darken when he's mad. He needed Liam. He needed someone who would understand. Someone who would listen to him without silently judging him for what he's done.

Alec's breathe came back to him in slow, short bursts. When he was finally able to stand without his legs threatening to fall out from under him. The blood had stopped flowing, instead staining his neck red. He swiped at the substance hastily. When he deemed himself appropriate, he rushed out of the room and began to track down Liam.


"What are you doing here?"

That was the first thing that Liam had said to him. The boy was pounding on the doors of the vet clinic, calling out for Scott, when Alec had pulled up. The words had been whispered with so much emotion that it tool a few minutes for Alec to think of how to respond. Even then, he opened and closed his mouth several times until he finally admitted defeat and instead rushed into Liam's arms. Liam hesitated to wrap his arms around the boy.

"Please, don't send me away. I've done so much horrible things lately and I don't want to lose the only good thing I have. Please," Alec begged, broken sobs escaping his mouth. Liam's heart splintered and he held the boy close.

Rain began to fall, splattering the ground and bouncing up to leave tiny circles on the boys pantsleg. Alec shifted back until he was able to gaze into Liam's eyes. Without any hesitation, he surged forward and connected their lips. Water dripped between them as they breathed in one another. Alec never wanted this to end; he didn't want something to take this moment and ruin it for him, but of course, life never did as it was told.

So I updated. I figured, ya know, its Halloween and I don't have school tomorrow so why not? Plus, I feel like you guys deserve it for being so patient with me. Thanks for that. Hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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