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Lydia was called to drop the trio off at Alec's house, enlightening them that she would be there early in the morning to drive them back over to Sinema so Alec could get his car

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Lydia was called to drop the trio off at Alec's house, enlightening them that she would be there early in the morning to drive them back over to Sinema so Alec could get his car. She hadn't particularly liked being dragged out late at night to chauffeur around two drunk teens and a werewolf. However, she managed a little sympathy when Liam quietly explained what at happened at the club. Her mouth remained shut, void of any questions until Alec was out of earshot.

Alec had sat in the backseat of the car, dozing slightly with his head resting on Liam's shoulder. Lydia had shot the wolf a knowing look when their eyes met in the rearvirw mirror. When she finally parked outside of Alec's house, she turned her attention on the other two.

"Go ahead. We'll be there in a minute. Um, your parents wouldn't mind if we stayed all night, right?" Liam said as soon as Alec reached for the door handle, making him pause and look back.

Alec shrugged. "Dad won't be home until early morning and mom might not even come out of the bedroom. I think you'll be fine."

Liam nodded and waited for Alec to leave the car, amble up the steps of his porch, and slip into the bright red door before turning to Lydia and answered any questions she had. He even told her about Kira nearly killing the boy and then the dread doctors actually succeeding in killing him. Something about his condition being terminal. He bit back the information about how strange Alec had acted when he met back up with him. It felt like sentive information. If Lydia knew, she'd tell Scott. Scott would want to question Alec, and inevitably drag him into the supernatural problem in beacon hills. Lydia kept silent through it, eyes casted wide and a scowl on her face.

When the explanation was done, she allowed the two to head inside. Alec was in the downstairs bathroom, popping open a bottle of pills. He handed Mason two and a glass of water before getting two out and shoving them in his mouth. None of them spoke as they walked up the stairs and settled down into their respected places during sleepovers: Alec slept in his bed while Mason and Liam withdrew matching pairs of sleeping bags out of the closet and laid on either side of the bed.

Mason was out as soon as his head hit the pillow, soft snores slipping out of his mouth. Alec's eyes were closed but he couldn't manage to fall asleep. Liam stared at the ceiling, until the desire to speak to Aec overpowered him.

"Alec?" Liam questioned as he pulled the sleeking bag over him.


Liam bit his lip. Should he interrogate him about what happened at the dance? Tracy had been seeing things and then she turned into a homicidal chimera who killed her therapist and her father and tried to kill Mrs. Martin and Lydia. She even attacked Scott, Stiles, Malia, and Deaton before she was killed by the Dread Doctors. Although, Liam doubted that she had downed a whole lot or alcohol before that. Besides, he was pretty sure he'd know if one of his best friends was a chimera. So instead of asking, he went a different route.

"Are you okay?"

He could hear shuffling. Alec's head peered over the side of the bed, eyes narrowed suspiciously and a scowl on his lips.
"Define good."

"The opposite of bad?" Liam questioned puzzled. "I don't know. Like is there anything important you need to tell me?"

Alec scouted back over, throwing back the covers. "Come up here. I can't have a conversation with you down there."

Liam stood from the sleeping bag and climbed into the bed, peaking over at where Mason laid, eyes closed and breathing slowed indicating sleep.

"He won't wake. Remember the last time we had a slumber party. We watched all those zombie movies and you screamed like a sissy. He never once woke up. You did, however, mange to wake my parents and I got a stern talking to the next morning." Alec's voice was soft and light. His voice made it seem like all was right in the world but Liam knew the truth. He knew just how dark Alec's mind could get.

Alec shuffled forward until his head rested comfortably on Liam's stomach. Liam wrapped the blankets tighter around them, silently reveling in the tiny sigh of contentment Alec expressed.

"I think I'm fine, " Alec whispered. "I'm not going do lie to you and say I'm 100% fine because I just don't know. I don't know how I feel."

Silence stretched forward. Alec fiddled with a string sprouting from the edge of the blanket. Liam, after gathering enough courage, linked their hands together.

"I just want you to know that of there ever is something you need to tall about, I'm here. Whenever you need me, call. I'll come running."

Alec smiled against Liam's stomach. He squeezed the younger boys hand.

"I know,"he mumbled, pulling himself up a little. "That's why I know I can trust you. You don't lie to me, like so many people have done."

He leaned up enough to place a gentle kiss on Liam's cheek before settling back down and falling into a easy slumber. Liam continued staring at ceiling, shock written on his face. Did Alec like him back?


Liam had disappeared the next morning after Lydia had dropped Alec off at Sinema so he could collect his car. Alec hadn't minded. He understood Liam was dealing with a lot of stuff, but he wondered where the boy had gone. He was planning on interagaring him when he walked into History class but Liam wasn't there. Mason was just as perplexed as Alec at where Liam could be.

The class settled into a dull lesson. While Mr. Yukimora did try and make the lesson's fun Alec more or less continued to fall asleep periodically. Mason was listening vigilamtly, scribbling down notes on a piece of paper. Alec decided he'd steal the notes from his later and laid his head on the desk.


"His condition improves," a distorted voice spoke. Alec's eyes blinked open, confusion settling into his core as his eyes traced the small room.

The floor was concrete and stained with various fluids. Lights flashed across the ceiling. A tray was sitting off to the side. Arrange on it was all type's of medical supplies. Scalpels, syringes, ect.

Fear of raced through Alec's body as the same three figures from the club gathered around him. He felt a pain in his side. Felt skin being pulled from his body. A scream tore itself through his lips, leaving his throat sore and raw. A set of hands shoved down on his chest to prevent him from moving. One of the figures picked up a syringe and shoved it into the tender area where the skin was pulled back. Another scream escaped him.

Suddenly, he was back in the classroom and jerking out of his seat. The room as silent, all eyes watching Alec in either amusement or concern. His breathing was harsh and heavy to his ears. He grabbed his stuff on his desk and raced out of the room, ignoring the calls of his name following him.

*Not going to lie. I think this chapter sucks but I really wanted to update this for you guys who are reading. I'll try to make the next chapter better (hopefully) and longer. Ps. I just realised I never said who plaid Alec. Well I picture his as Devon Bostick. I love him. So yeah, now you know.*

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