08. Lies of Omission

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Alec snuggled deeper into Liam's warm embrace

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Alec snuggled deeper into Liam's warm embrace. Arms circled tighter around him and Alec breathed in more of Liam's scent. It had been five days since their breakout of the dreary cell the Dread Doctors had kept them in due to the bravery of Theo. It had been five days where Liam and Alec had huddled under the covers and stolen kisses in the hallway, reveling in the new love they've found. Liam had been a bit reluctant to allow Alec out of his sight, and since his father had been working late to find other chimera, Alec had agreed to let him sleep over at his house.

The wounds Alec had suffered from had healed over and tue ache had faded away and only left a dull itching feeling in its wake. Liam would steal casual glances as Alec's back when he changed at night or was only in a towel after getting out of the shower. Alec wanted to call him out on it- ask what Liam was looking for but he didn't want to disturb the calm that had settled over them lately. What they had was still new- fresh. He didn't want to rock the boat and end up drawing without a lifesaver. So Alec allowed him to check every day, sometimes even purposefully going without a shirt so Liam could see and listen to the boy sigh in relief.

Alec's shook his head and placed a gentle kiss on Liam's forehead as he slipped out from under the covers and padded to the bathroom across the hall. He stood before the mirror, criticizing his appearance. The bags he had carried under his eyes since the nightmares started were finally disappearing. His lips were dry and chapped and his hair was sticking up in odd angles. He fingers fiddled with the cold water knob, dunking his hands under the faucet and splashing cool water across his face. He braced his hands on the edge of the sink and watched the water circle down the drain.

For the past couple days, Alec had been on edge. While he was happy with how things were going with Liam, he still had a feeling that things would soon turn ugly. The calm before the storm. It was only a matter of time before the Dread Doctors hunted him down again, and possibly kill him. A sense of dread followed him through the day. Alec was constantly looking over his shoulder, feeling eyes on him. Usually they were Liam's, or sparingly they were Theo's. Liam would offer a soft smile and carry on with whatever ever he was doing, while constantly glancing in Alec's direction. Theo would just watch him intensely before realizing he was caught and simply turning on his heel. It made him feel strange. Then again Alec though Theo was a little strange.

Alec shook his head and breathed out a heavy sigh. A metallic substance dripped onto the edge of the sink. Alec blinked a couple times and turned to look at the ceiling. Nothing seemed to be wrong.

Liquid flowed across his lip and Alec jerked back in surprise. At first he thought his nose was bleeding, he'd been known to have a few, but when more metallic beads splattered across the marble surface. He brought a hand up to his nose and swiped it under his nostril, bringing it away and drawing his eyes widening in confusion at the same substance covering the digits.

Almost as quickly as it started, the liquid seemed to trickled to a stop. He quickly wiped away the evidence of such an ovcurence just in time for a hand to pound on the bathroom door.

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