03. Condition Terminal

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Fingers trembled as they smoothed over clear skin

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Fingers trembled as they smoothed over clear skin. Eyes narrowed in suspicion. Where the hell had the marks gone? After coming home early yesterday, Alec had slept the entire day. He had been thoroughly exhausted and he wasn't entirely sure why. So when he woke he decided to check the should-be injuries from yesterday. Maybe he had been so traumatized by what happened his mind had conjure up the whole Tracy sinking her claws into him. But then where had the blood come from. It was warm and sticky agsisnt his skin, and very, very real. Liam had seen it to. Had asked if he was okay. Then he figured maybe his mind had made him believed he hadn't got hurt. Yet, when he pulled the sleeve of his skirt up they still weren't there.

"What the hell is going on with me," he mumbled, pulling the sleeve back down and burying his head in his hands. He rubbed them over his face before bringing his attention to his phone.

It rested on the edge of his bed, mocking him and his desire to call Liam. Alec felt like he was going insane, and he needed someone else to bear truth of what was going on with him. He didn't want to say the wrong thing to someone and them end up in Eichen House. His own mother had done a stint in there after the fire ordeal. Alec had visited her in several times, after he was healed enough and his father had grown sick of the boy's begging, and he hadn't liked the aura of the place. It felt dark and evil. The orderlies were nice at first but the more you were around them, you could just tell something was off about them. He had begged his dad to get her out, and after about two months, he did. Alec didn't want his dad to do the same thing to him.

Without thinking for another second, his fingers enclosed around the device and he was punching in the familiar number and listening to the ringing.

"What the worst that could happen?" he muttered bringing his thumb up to his mouth and chewing on the edge of it. Liam answered on the third ring.


Alec's mouth opened but no sound came out. Could he really explain this to Liam and think the boy will understand and not freak out?

"Alec, you there?"

He contemplated hanging up the phone. He couldn't do this. Liam and Mason were the only friends he had in Beacon Hills. Surely Liam would end up telling Mason and then the whole school would know. Alec would be hunted down and studied like a labrat.

"Alec? Is everything okay? Are you butt dialing me again," Liam asked jokingly, a small laugh in his voice.

"Um," Alec responded, scratching his brain for something to say. "What are you and Mason up to tonight?"

He could hear shuffling, a whispered "tell him" and a responding "shut up" and then Mason's voice was filtering through the line.

"We're going to club Sinema. Hayden's allowing me to appear and Liam is going to be my wingman, copilot, and really hot flight attendant."

Liam undignified squeak made Alec burst out in laughter. He didn't argue that Hayden loathed Liam and, most likely, wouldn't agree to allow him into a party. He also didn't say that Mason was right. Not about the flight attendant, but about Liam being hot. Instead, he just continued to laugh while Liam and Mason teased one another relentlessly.

"So," Mason said happily into the phone making. "Want to come with? C'mon, Liam needs someone so he's not just wandering around by himself. All awkward and loser-y."

"That's not even a word," Liam yelled in the background.

Alec laughed again. When he finally stopped, he agreed to meet Liam and Mason behind Sinema. He hung up the phone and placed it on the charger before changing clothes. He settled on a black button up shirt, dark blue ripped jeans, and sneakers. He checked the battery on his phone, decided to leave it, then grabbed his keys and left.


When he finally managed to get to the back of Sinema, Mason and Liam were standing at the back door arguing with. Hayden. She wore a knee length, strapless black dress and heels with a sour look on her face. He saw Mason place a hand around Liam's neck and pull him closer while exstending a wad of bills.

"Um, what is going on here?"

The boy's started and turned. Hayden offered a small smile. She didn't really hate Alec as much as she did Liam. They're weren't the best of friends but they were civilized to one another.

"Bribing me to allow Liam into Sinema," Hayden responded. Mason sighed and dug out his wallet, ready to give her more money so Alec could come in also, but she dismissed it with a wave of her hand. "Don't need it. I actually like Alec."

Liam threw his hands up in exasperation while Alec giggled. Mason looked relieved and he stumbled through the door, his friends following him. Alec absolutely loved Sinema. Music flowed through the air. Everyone was dancing and drinking. Lights flashed. Alec grabbed Liam and Mason's hands and dragged them to the dance floor.

"Why didn't anyone tell me the people here were so hot?" Alec mumbled quietly but Liam still smiled in his direction. Alec shot him an innocent look and continued dancing. He twirled around and around, hands in the air. Hayden kept handed him drinks claiming he needed to loosen up.

Liam and Mason had both abandoned him. Liam had moved over towards a guy named Brett, they were talking in hushed, feverish whispers. Mason had been chasing after a bit named Lucas, who had been eying Mason most of the time they were there. It didn't mind Alec too much. He danced with a few girls and guys, made out a little, and got drunk. It was a good night for him.

Until the sound reached his ears. It was like heavy boots pounding on wood. And a mechanical whirring sound. Alec tensed up, eyes searching wildly for the noise. People were crowding around him and he couldn't breath. In the distance, behind a mixed group of boys and girls all grinding on one another, stood three figures. They were shrouded in dark coats and had masks over their faces. Alec began moving backwards just as the figures moved forward.

He didn't understand why no one else appeared to see them. Why no one noticed the panic he was showing. It was like he they were invisible to everyone's eyes but his own.

"Alec? Alec, are you okay?"

Alec's eyes were jerked away from the figures. Liam stood in front of him, panic cleared in his features. Mason stood next to him. Alec breathed out a sigh of relief then flicked his eyes back over to area he saw the bodies. There was nothing there.

"Alec, are you okay?"

Alec shuttered our a breath. "Y-yeah, I think so. I think maybe I got a little to drunk. I need to go home."

"Okay, I'll call someone to come pick us up. You're in no shape to be driving. Then tomorrow, I'll see if Stiles can drop us off and we can pick up your car. Sound good."

Alec nodded. He didn't question the way Mason and Liam both looked frazzled and unkempt. How Liam had a bit of blood on his shirt. He just allowed them to slwoly pull him out of Sinema and to a curb, waiting for whoever Liam called to pick them up.

*I've been sick the last couple days. And then I've been working on the piles of homework that I need to make up for the three days of missed school. I'm tired and done with school.

Also, I will try and update this book at least three times a week. But please don't be to mad if me I forget or a little late. And I will try to make these a bit longer*

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