10. Reawaken

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*It starts at the end of the last episode and then goes into episode 11 in Liam's POV*

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*It starts at the end of the last episode and then goes into episode 11 in Liam's POV*

With the help of the one and only Lydia Martin, Theo had found the tree stump he was so desperately searching for since he'd discovered Alec's death. They had scoured the woods until they stumbled onto the Nemeton. Theo had released his hold on the Banshee and Lydia had fallen towards the forest floor. He stalked up to the tree, mocking Lydia's catatonic form, as he plunged a needle inside the chest of a few selected chimeras: Tracey, Corey, and Josh. All three had burst back to life, gasping and chocking on the new life being sucked into their lungs. Each staggered to a standing position, awaiting orders.

Theo wasn't done though. He strode up to Alec's limp form. It was covered in ash and soot, with holes burned into his clothes. His body was still clouded in the same colored feathers seared into his flesh before his death. Theo stared down at the body before deciding to plunge the needle into his chest too. He awoke same as the others. Fingers scrabbling at the tree trunk he was laying on, trying to find purchase to stand while his feet slid against the dirt covering the floor. He eventually rose, eyes wide as he observed his surroundings.

"Wh-what's happening?" he stuttered, coughing slightly as a dust of ash settled into his mouth.

"Who are you?" Tracey asked, body slouched and eyes lazy with exhaustion.

"I'm your Alpha. And all of you…. All of you belong to me."

Theo turned away from his fellow chimeras and strutted through the woods back to his car. The others followed blindly, as if driven by some invisible force. Alec had begun to follow but stumbled over something. His eyes shifted downward to see what had nearly made him faceplant. He saw strawberry blonde hair and wide, blank eyes. A name came to mind but it was gone nearly as quickly as it appeared. His gaze snapped forward again and he was quickly back in line.


Liam couldn't seem to process what had happened. Everything had happened in rapid succession that he didnt have time to think about what he was doing. He almost killed Scott. If Mason had been a second later, Liam might have a large amount of blood on his hands. But Mason stopped him. He didn't kill Scott, but the bout had made him miss the final moments of Alec's life. The boy he loved died and Liam hadn't been by his side. He'd been able to hold Alec's cold, limp form for a while, clutching his body tightly to his cheat until Parrish had shown up to whisk the body away to the Nemeton.

He had cried and cried and cried, embracing Mason in a hug when the boy had come to gather him. Mason had been nice, comforting Liam while also sharing his grief. Liam had mumbled something about going to the police station and telling Alec's dad and then telling Alec's mom, pulling away from his best friend. Mason had tried to stop him but Liam's mind was made up and he had already swept out the door, out of the hospital, and then ran all the way to the police station. He had waited outside the door, anxious to share the information with Alec's parents. Of cource, Mason had caught up to him and stopped him from making any rash decisions.

"It's not going to hurt any less coming from you," Mason said, trying his best to hold back the tears in his eyes.

"They need to know. They deserve to know."

"And they will," Mason assured, placing a gentle hand on Liam's shoulder. "But not like this. Not by you."

Liam had opened his mouth to reply but it quickly snapped shut when a familiar voice popped into his ears, calling his name sofyly, and a refreshing scent of chocolate and strawberries filled his nose. He scrutinized the parking lot, ignoring Mason's distressed questions about what he was doing, looking for an trace of Alec.

"He's here," he whispered causing Mason to shut up and draws his eyebrows in confusion. "Alec's here."

"Liam, Alec's gone. You saw him-his body. He's gone."

"But he was just here," Liam argued. "I smelled him."

"Yeah," Mason responded. "You're probably drenched in his scent. You held him close. His scent his probably all over your clothes."

Liam continued arguing. Mason had decided to placate the boy and had drove him back to the hospital to see if Alec's body had been discovered. Mr. Dunbar had insisted that Liam go home but instead he convinced Mason to drive him to the Nemeton. But Mason being Mason, he had required they head to th library to do a little bit of research before jetting off onto their little adventure.


Theo asked only one thing of Alec upon his ressurection: don't get to close to Liam. He didn't want Liam to know Alec was alive just yet- he wanted it to come out at a crucial moment when the pain that Alec wasn't on Liam's side anymore would distract him and allow Theo to gain the upper hand. Unfortuanly, Alec had already broken that rule. He had wanted to check in on his father, only to bolt behind a car when Mason and Liam had come into view. Upon seeing tear-stained trails flowing down his cheeks, Alec let Liam's name fall from his lips, silently cursing himself when Liam's head had snapped over in his general direction. Of cource, Alec had ducked further behind a car.

Alec had wanted so badly to go over there and comfort them  q. They didn't deserve to be in the pain they were in. But he didn't budge. Finally, they had left. Liam head convinced Mason to drive him back to the hospital.Alec's interest had peaked and he had followed them, ignoring the vibration of his phone inside his front pocket. They didn't stay long at the hospital before leaving for the school library. Alec stayed far enough away that he was sure not even Liam could sense his presence, and followed them inside the school. His phone kept up its incessant buzzing inside his pocket.

Mason was saying something about the Nemeton and Ley Lines and telluric currents when Alec whipped out his phone and growled a low "what" into it. Of cource, Theo wasn't appreciative of harsh tone and reprimanded him in a charming voice that only masked a serious threat.

"I need your help finding someone," he said calmly, but Alec could pick out the note of desperation hidden in his voice.

"Who and why?"

"Another chimera," Theo began, "and because I said so. And if that isn't enough then its because he could come quite in handy with what I'm planning."

"And what are you planning?" Alec's eyes watching as Liam and Mason finally walked out of the Library, a white piece of paper clutched inside Liam's hand and a determined look on his face.

"Darling, a good villain never reveals his evil plot until he knows he's going to win. All you need to do is what your told. Now, where should I pick you up at?"

*I think I'm gonna stop naming the chapter after the episodes because, like for example in this chapter, I haven't finished the whole episode. So yeah. Also, sorry for not updating this yesterday, I came home from school and slept the day away and today I've just been lazy. 💤😜✌✌

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