11. Feeling The Fire

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Liam fell to his kness, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. He and Mason had spent the past several hours scouring the woods in search of the Nemeton- in search of Alec's body. Liam knew that Alec was alive, but he wanted to prove it. He wanted to make sure it wasn't some fruitless dream. But they had had no such luck in finding the magical tree stump and the weight of guilt and sadness over the events that had taken place were starting to wear Liam doom.

He'd given into the anger during the Supermoon. He had left Alec to die in the hands of a virtual stranger, all because he gave into his anger and went after Scott. That was something he'd never be able to live down. And he was going to make damn sure that he didn't fail Alec again.

"Maybe were looking at this all wrong," Mason argued, elaborating when Liam gave him a look of confusion. "The Nemeton is a beacon for supernatural creatures, right?" Liam nodded, slowly. "Well, maybe it takes a supernatural creature to find it."

"I'm a supernarural creature and I can't find it," Liam argued back, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Maybe you've been looking with the wrong eyes."

Liam considered this for a moment and then, after deciding he had nothing else to lose, allowed his eyes to change into those of a wolf. They scanned the floor of the forest until the swept slowly over the Nemeton. His eyes reverted back to their natural hue and he pulled Mason along towards the stump. His gaze swept over the bodies of the dead Chimeras gathered around the Nemeton but smiled in relief when he didn't find Alec's.

"He isn't here," Liam laughed. "Mason, he isn't here. Alec isn't here."

"Yeah, neither are Corey and Tracey and another chimera. The question is if they aren't here where the hell are they?"

Before Liam could answer, a set of bright lights landed on them and completely illuminated the forest. They hadn't realized just how dark it had gotten. Am officer, Alec's dad Liam realized, stepped closer to the two boys.

"We got a tip that there were four bodies here. Did you guys have something to do with this?"

"No, no sir. We just stumbled across them. We kinda got lot and then found this," Mason lied smoothly. The officer nodded and called for someone else to take the two boys home. All Liam could think aviut was that Alec was alive. Alec was alive.


"What the fuck am I doing here?" Alec asked as he walked beside Theo down old abandoned building. "This place is creepy and disgusting. I'd much rather prefer to lounge in bed all day, curled tightly into my blanket, and watch Supernatural."

Theo paused at what he was doing, which was scanning the gravel (and occasionally sniffing the air) for any sign of the Chimera they were looking for. His gaze jumped over to Alec and he lifted a single brow in an unimpressed way.

"Really? You're living supernarual but you want to watch some dumb TV show about?"

"Okay, first of all, Supernatural is a godsend and if you say otherwise I'll cut you. Two, its a good show. And three, everyone whose ever graced us with their presence on that show is hot as fuck," Alec snapped, eyes flashing slightly. Theo rolled his eyes and stood, walking down a few more inches.

Theo was about to respond but before he could a scent filtered through Alec's nose and his hid snapped around. It smelled like death and drew Alec forward. Theo grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"You wanted to know why I brought you? It's because of what you are."

"And what I am?"

Theo smirks. "Your death. Part Phoenix, part hellhound. You have am intimate relationship with death. You can feel it. Can smell it. Taste it. You're drawn to it. And you and your powers will come in handy when the time comes. Now, tell me what's going on?"

Alec told a steadying breath. "I think he's dying. And the Doctors- I think they found him."

Theo growled lowly in his throat before releasing Alec's hand and began moving forward. He stooped when he caught sight of the indented wall. Alec had seen that symbol grace Scott's tanned upper arm before, he had waited for Liam to be done talking to him and had silently admired the simple but unique tattoos. A thick band with a thinner smaller band wrapping around his skin. A similar image flew into Alex's mind. Liam speaking to a dark haired male, Scott, with a similar tattoo.

"Its symbol," Theo spoke in a heated tone. "A symbol of a pack."

"Scott's," Alec mumbled, a image of Liam's smiling face staring at him. He knew he was right before Theo even nodded his head.

Theo turned and left, clearly angry with the days events. Alec gazed at the symbol for a few more minutes before Theo growled at him to hurry up, and he stumbled after the older Chimera.


Alec was allowed to go home that night. He had convinced Theo that his parents would surely be looking for him which could put a hiccup in their plans. He was sure his father would be at the police station and his mother would be in bed. He didn't actually believe that they were out looking for him, but he wanted to be as far away from the other chimeras as possible.

Alec had decided that he'd slump into his bed and sleep until the middle of next week and forget the whole chimera pack and werewolves and anything else dealing with the supernatural.

His parents, however, had different plans.

His mother wasn't upstairs sleeping and his faster wasn't at the police station. They were both nestled on the couch, holding onto one another dearly. That was more affection than Alec had ever seen them give one another. It ended when his father caught sight of him at the door.

"Hey," he mumbled, staring at the ground and doing an awkward wave. He heard his mom whisper his name, as if she couldn't believe he was truly in front of her. He heard the squeak of his dad's shoes against the floorboards as he stood and stumbled over to him.

Alec was prepared for a lecture, or maybe even a hug. Anything to show that they were worried about him and was glad he was home.

He didn't expect his father's hand to collide with his cheek. His teeth dug into his tongue, hard enough to draw blood. Alec brought a hang up to his face and glared at his dad.

"What the hell were you thinking? You had your mother worried sick. You were gone for three days, no call, or text, nothing. How could you do that to her after what she's been through?"

Alec snapped. He'd been dead for the past three days, and spent the majority of today helping Theo try to track down some other chimera. He didn't need this.

"Why do you suddenly care? You blamed her for what happened to me for years. You spend most of your time at the station. Why the hell do you suddenly care what I'm doing and how it affects her?"

His dad was about to speak but spluttered through his words, and then brought his hand back up. Alec could tell he was going to smack him again, but this time he saw it coming and he was ready. He grabbed his fathers hand and gripped it hard enough for the skin to bruise. He stared at his father, who stared back in equal parts of fear and confusion. Ale could tell that his eyes weren't there natural color. He could feel the fire screaming through his blood, itching to burn. And he let it.

** So I know I haven't been very active lately and im truly sorry for that. My mother fell a few days ago and had several fractures in her pelvic region so I've been helping her out a lot lately. I will try to start updating regualry again but I just wanted to tell you guys what was happening in case I don't. Okay, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for understanding. 😊😊

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