05. Required Reading

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Alec sat on his bed nibbling on one of his fingernails and his legs tucked under him

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Alec sat on his bed nibbling on one of his fingernails and his legs tucked under him. The whole day he'd been seeing the same things over and over. Mechanical whirring and dull robotic voices filled his ears. He didn't understand what was happening to him. All he knew was he wanted it stop. Now!

The lighting was to bright and the sounds slipping in through his cracked windows were to loud. His skin seemed to be crawling. Everything just seemed to make him uncomfortable.

Tears squeezed through his eyes as his teeth ripped off a big chunk of nail. A hiss of pain slid past his lips as he stared at rue bloody nailbed. The pain radiated through his entire finger and he continued to stare in shock. The blood wasn't red like it should be, it was black. His entire nail was soaked in black blood.

"What the hell is happening to me?" he mumbled. He groaned and stood from the bed, walking to the bathroom. He ran the water and stuck his hand under to wash away the blood.

When he pulled his hand back and dried it off with a fresh towel, the nail had been replaced. Alec shook his head and blinked a few times. Surely, he was going crazy. Normal people didn't see doctor like people who wanted to torture him, or see themselves biting there nail off. Normal people worried about what party they were going to and who was dating who. He walked back to his room and ripped his cell phone from the charger cord and dialed a number. Liam would understand. Liam would help him see he wasn't crazy.

The ringing echoed in his ears and he prayed that Liam would answer. His plea fell on deaf ears when the phone went straight to voicemail and Liam's message breached his ears. He growled softly and rammed his hand into the wall. It cracked and a few tiny fragments fell to the floor. White dust coated Alex's hand as he withdrew it from the wall, eyes wide with terror. What the hell was happening to him? Was he losing his mind or did those people he kept seeing did something to him that's causing him to act strange?

His mind raced back to the dreamlike trance he had fallen during school but he couldn't quite recall what had happened. He could still feel his flesh being pulled from his body but he couldn't remember what happened after that. He couldn't remember what they had done to him.

After the beep of the phone, he rambled a message into the receiver that he was going back to Sinema and that Liam should meet him there. He didn't think he should be alone the moment. And if he was at Sinema tonight, on all ages0pppp night, he'd be surrounded by people. Granted, they'd all most likely be drunk but still. At least their he had witnesses. And he wouldn't have to be a spectator on the battle raging on in his living room at the moment. He hung up the phone and changed into a skintight tanktop and jeans before walking out of the house. He elected to ignore the elevated voices of his parents demanding his return.

Hayden had taken one look at how frazzled Alec looked and proceeded to sneak him drinks as she made her rounds. She insisted he didn't need to pay for them because he seemed to clearly need to let loose but he still slipped a couple bucks into her pocket when she wasn't looking.

He wore glwostivks swathed around his neck and wrists like bangles. They jingled quietly as he danced.  He needed this. He needed to get out of his head and this was doing very well. He danced between two muscled men who looked to be their twenties, and like they shouldn't be dancing with someone who had only recently turned seventeen. His arms encircled the boy before him and before he could even recognize what he was doing, he was kissing him. The boy behind him took offense to being left out and decided to promptly kiss up Alex's neck. Something deep inside him snapped into place and Alec smiled into the kiss.

Suddenly, a hand snaked between the bodies and gripped Alex's wrist, pulling him from the two guys and flush against another chest. Alec stumbled out of the stranger's touch and glared at him, ready to spat some rather insulting words but his mouth hung open, silently, as his eyes connected with blue.

"Oh, Liam, you made it," he giggled as he grabbed another drink from the serving tray Hayden held out to him. She gave a disgusted look towards Liam before leaving the duo.

"Alec, what the hell? You call me, tell me to meet you down here, and I see you making smashed between people who are probably perverts."

Alec sighed and rolled his eyes. He batted his eyes at the two stranger's and flashed a sweet smile. Then he grabbed the sleeve of Liam's shirt and pulled him in the opposite direction. He downed the drink and slammed the glass down onto the bar before turning and glaring at Liam.

"Why did you ruin my fun?"

"Did you even know their names? Hmm? You can't just just mack on some random guys," Liam growled. Alec almost swore that his eyes flashed gold but ignored it and instead blamed his overactive imagination.
"Why the hell not?"

Liam growled again and moved closer to Alec. Alec, beginning to feel nervous, backed up until he was in a dark corner with his back plastered to the wall. His breath calmed out slow and shaky but despite the fear, a bout of desire stirred inside of him. He couldn't deny that Liam was hot and that he had fantasized a lot about doing certain things with the boy, but he always held himself back due in fear of destroying a very valued friendship. At the moment, Liam didn't seem to care about the consequences of his actions.

Alec startled from his thoughts when Liam's chest bumped against his and his hands wrapped around Alex's hands pinning them to the wall. Now, Alec was sure Liam's eyes were glowing but he chalked it up to the yellow glowsticks wrapped around his neck. Liam leaned in close to his ear.

"I don't like it when you do. I didn't really want to do this because I thought you just wanted to be friends but your little stunt pissed me off."

Alec didn't mind one bit when Liam's lips connected with his. In fact, he immediately began kissing back. Their tongues battled for dominace- Liam ultimately winning and Alec huffing in disappointment. Small noises were coax from both of the youths mouth as they continued their ministrations. No one paid them a lick of attention, except a Hayden who smiled at the duo. Although she didn't necessarily like Liam, she could admit that the love she saw between the two was real.

Liam pulled back, smiling slightly and looking towards the ground. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

Alec tsked and brought two fingers to the boys neck and lifted it up to look at him. "Don't apologize, sweetie. I wasn't complaining."

Liam's features slwolt changed into shock at what was before him. Alec looked the same, for the most part. But where the boys beautiful green eyes used to be instead was a ball of flames. It almost seemed as if liquid fire was trapped inside his eyes, growing brighter and brighter as the seconds went by. Liam slowly released his hold on Alec and took a stop back, wincing at the hurt look Alec shot him.

"You're one of them? You're a Chimera?"

Alec eyebrows drew together in confusion. "Liam, what the hell are you talking about?"

"This," the boy said before flashing his yellow eyes and fangs at the boy. He caught Alec just as the boy's eyes rolled into his head and he fell to the floor.

*Well....things escalated quickly. I kinda like this chapter. Anyway, I felt kinda bad for not updating for a while so I figured why not update two days in a row. So, here ya go.*

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