Kitty | LadyNoir

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Synopsis: Chat Noir thought Ladybug didn't like cats! Because if she did she would like him right? So why is she fawning so much over a small kitten they found in the streets?

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Third Person Limited, Chat Noir
Word Count: 592

Kitty, January 16th, 2017

His lady looked so lovely today. "M'lady, did you do something with your hair?" He mused. "It looks even more purr-fect than normal." He winked at her and leaned against his staff as Ladybug stopped walking to give him a "Are you serious?" Face.

"No Chat, but thanks." She smiled and poked his nose before continuing to walk down the street. They had just defeated their hardest villain yet, and after recharging their miraculouses, they decided they would go out for some victory ice cream.

"Which parlor are we going to again?" Chat asked. He looked around and almost wanted to say he was lost. "I don't know anywhere near here that sells-"

"Kitty!" Ladybug gasped and Chat thought she was talking to him. He smiled charmingly and leaned closer to the super heroine.

"Yes M'lady?" He purred.

When his lady wasn't there beside him anymore, he blinked in surprise and looked around for her. And there she was. On the dirty floor, coddling and cuddling a stray cat. Wait what?

"I thought you didn't like cats Ladybug?" He said with a pout.

Ladybug laughed and rubbed her cheek against the small cat's cheek. "Says who? Cats are so adorable!" She ogled and made baby noises to the small feline as she held it in her arms.

Chat pouted even more and crossed his arms. "So am I adorable?"

She laughed again. "Nope. More like obnoxious."

Chat frowned and sat beside her, not knowing what was so cute about a little old cat. He tilted his head and watched curiously, sitting in a crouched position like he could pounce in any second.

He reached out with his clawed glove and poked the small feline.

Ladybug gasped and held the cat close to her chest as she frowned at Chat. "Don't hurt my little snuffles!"

Chat rose an eyebrow and pulled an amused smirk onto his face. "Snuffles?"

"Yes!" She cooed and cradled the cat. He licked her cheek and Ladybug Aww'd at the adorable action. "You're so adorable! Yes you are!"

Chat then smirked. That was adorable huh? He grinned and leaned closer to his lady and licked her cheek just like the cat did only moments ago.

Ladybug squealed and jumped away in shock, terrifying the cat and making it run away. Not only was she disgusted, but now she was sad. "What did you do that for?" She pouted.

Chat laughed and wiped her cheek off when she missed a spot. "So it's not adorable when I do it but when another cat licks you it's the cutest thing in the world?"


Chat rolled his eyes and rose to his feet. He grabbed Ladybug's hand and hoisted her up before kissing the back of her hand with a smile. "I'm sorry M'lady, but I'm the only cat you need in your life." He grinned at her and she laughed softly.

"Whatever you say kitty."

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authors note:

Awww haha now wasn't that cute? Remember you can leave requests whenever you want. You can expect a lot of cute little imagines from this book hah. I might do a few more cute ones and then maybe go into some sad or serious topic based ones. Hope you guys still like it!!

Lots of love,
Mercay 💕

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