chapter 1

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Marks POV
I was walking to the store after dark had told me to get some items. I had this strange feeling of being watched. I just shook it off as paranoia cus it was like 10 at night. I got to the store and bought the items I needed. I checked my watch. "Shit I'm gunna be late!" I started sprinting to get home.
I finally got there and saw dark at the door. I braced myself for what was coming next. He pulled me inside and slapped my face. I put my hand up to my face and me pushed me to the ground.

"S-sorry babe! It wont happen again!"
I cried and he repeatedly kicked me in the side and stomach till I caughed up blood.
He stopped and I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I took a shower. I saw dark go into the bedroom as I walked to the kitchen trying my best to avoid him.
Phew he's going to bed. I might give jack a call and see if I could come over, being he is in town and all.
I walked over to the computer in my office and went to Skype. I hit call and it rung a little till he answered.
"Hey" I said

"Heeyy" he replied.

"Do you think I could come over? I know it's kinda late but I'm lonley and darks in bed, he won't be up for hours."

"Sure! I'd love if ya came over I need the company anyways."

"Ok I'll be there in 20"



Jacks POV
Ok so he's coming over... SHIT the apartments a mess. I hesitantly cleaned up the apartment and went to make some coffee for mark and I saw anti emerge from the couch. He stretched then walked over to me.
"What the fuck are you doing this late at night?" He asked.

"Marks coming over." I replied.

"Ugh he's annoying." He replied and walked to the fridge.

Antis POV
Yessss marks coming over! Whoa whoa control yourself anti. Fuck why do I like him? If I like him.... Then jack has to like him... FUCK.

"H-hey Sean?" I asked while still looking in the fridge for no aperrent reason.

"Huh? Yeah anti?"

"This may be a weird question... But do you have feelings for mark?" I asked and he froze up. I saw him blush and look away.

"Um... Heheh funny story.. " he said while rubbing the back of his neck.
"I do.. Why are you asking?"

"Bcus I do too. And usually any emotion you feel. I feel the exact opposite. I am your darker half after all so I find It weird we both like him"

"Oh" is all he said.

Jacks POV

'DING DONG' the doorbell rang.
I walked the door and opened it up. Mark was standing there. Anti disappeared and I let mark in.
Maby I should tell him how I feel... No he's probably not gay...

"Hey mark!" I said cheerfully

"Hey" he replied.
He doesn't seem very happy more or less depressed.
"Is there something wrong mark?"
He was hesitant at first.

"Um.. Well.. You know dark? My boyfriend?"

"Yeah why?"

"H-he.." I saw tears form in his eyes.
"He what?"

"He hurts me.... "
I felt anger and rage build up inside me. I wanted to kill dark. But I couldnt. He is part of mark. Come to think of it he's like, dating himself.
I pulled him into a hug. He flinched

"What's wrong?" I asked
He lifted up his shirt to reveal many bruises on his side. He cried some more. I hugged him more. I think I might introduce him to anti.


Haha cliff hanger XD but ayways sorry for the short chapter and I know it's pretty slow but I promise things will progress later on anyways byyyeee!!

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