chapter 3

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Antis POV
Mark eventually loosened up to the kiss and started to kiss back. It soon turned into a full on makeout session. We both eventually pulled away for a breath of air.

"Um... H-how did t-this happen?" Mark said in between pants.

"I have... No idea" anti replied.

We both walked back home hand in hand, and were greeted by jack making lunch.

"Heya fellas w-.... whoa what happened between you two?" Jack said winking and I quickly pulled my hand aways from marks. I felt my face heat up and mark chuckled.

"That's none of your buisness!" I blurted out in attempt to cover up the embarassment in my voice. Jack just chuckled.

Jacks POV
Ugh no no no no no no. They can't be falling in love... I love mark!  He. Is. Mine!  Not antis.. Whoa whoa there jackaboy calm down, I can't be like this I should be happy for anti but all I feel is jealousy mabie I should take a walk to clear my head.

"I'm gunna go take a walk... Ill be back tonight. Lunch is on the counter. " I said,  my smile quickly fading. I walk out the door.
Why do I feel this way about mark? I don't know weather to be happy for anti or to be jealous.. I want him to be happy he's my best friend!  And then there's Mark... If he likes anti, does he like me too? I want mark to be happy but I honestly don't know it's all so fukin confusing to me...

marks POV
It's 1:19 pm now... Is dark home? I need to break up with him before he finds out about anti and I...

"H-hey anti?" I muster out

"Hmm?" He hums

"I've gotta go home and get stuff... Would you like me to stay the night?" I ask

"YES!... I mean *clears throat* jack would have to know but yes, I'd love if you spent the night." He replied and I chuckled

"Ok I'll be back later" I said then planting a small kiss on his lips.

~le time skip to marks house~
I made it home before dark got there, thank cheesus(yes, cheesus XD). Soon dark came home. I think I had mustered up the courage to break up... I just hope I don't get beat to a pulp.

"H-hey d-dark" I stuttered. He growled.

"What the hell do you want" he sneered.

"I don't umm... Think things.. Are um working out between... Me and y-you...." I squeaked out. He stood there motionless then I saw something I didn't want to see... He clenched his fists... I knew what was coming so I flinched when he stepped closer to me.

"Why the fuck do you think you can break up WITH ME?!" He growled getting louder at the end. He stepped even closer.
I didn't feel like being beaten to a pulp so I wimpered and ran to the door. I needed to get to antis... I need him... I ran as fast as I could to antis, not once lookin behind me to see if dark was coming. I got to his house and ran inside. Anti immediately ran to me,  same with jack as I'm assuming he came home whilst I was gone. Anti wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled into my chest.

"What's wrong markimoo?" Anti said worriedly.
I looked at jack then down at anti.

"Dark" I said.
They looked at me. Anti looked confused where as to jack was looking worriedly into my eyes.

"Oh no... You.... You broke up with him didn't you... " jack asked. I nodded my head. Anti looked into my eyes and had a puzzled look on his face. I just chuckled as to he looked so cute right at this moment.


OK soooo sorry I haven't updated school has been in the way and my birthday recently passed and yea but is my story interesting so far? And when I got on to wattpad to update my story, I HAD 2 READS...  Ik it's not alot but hey it's a start, I'm just glad people are interested XD is there any suggestions on what to do with my story?  I'd love to hear how I can improve :)thanks I appreciate it :)

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