chapter 7

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"HAHAHAHA" Anti laughed menicingly(is that how you spell it? XD)

3rd person POV

Anti let out a growl and charged at Dark, full force with knife in hand. He stabbed Dark in the shoulder repeatedly. Dark threw Anti off of him and charged, knocking Anti against the wall. Mark sat in horror as Anti and Dark fought. Watching his boyfriend get stabbed over and over again, made him feel emotions he barely ever feels. Mark faught against the ropes so hard, he broke them. Mark grabbed a knife and charged at dark. Stabbing him in the back. Dark let out a scream let go of anti trying to get the knife out of his back.

"ANTI!" Mark yelled

"MARK!" Anti yelled. They ran towards each other and pulled each other into a hug. The hug didn't last too long because of dark, but they didn't wanna let go.

"YOU... YOU... YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!" Dark yelled at them, still struggling to get the knife out of his back.

"Let's take this chance and escape" Anti whispered to Mark. Mark grabbed Anti, and ran to the basement door. Opening and closing it as fast as they could. They escaped the house, and ran out of the woods, Anti still in Marks hands. Once they got home, Jack rushed over to them. He saw they were both injured, so he ran to the bathroom and got a first aid kit. After he was done patching Mark and Anti up, jack went to take a shower.

"W-what about Dark?" Anti asked Mark worriedly

"Um.. I honestly don't know. Knowing him, he'll be back."
Anti seemed to develop tears in his eyes.

"Aww baby, don't cry" Mark said, as he wiped Antis tears away, and pullin him closer.

"I-im s-scared M-ark"

"Don't be babe, I'm here for you"

Darks POV

Ugh no fucking way did I let them fucking slip away. I. Am. Not. Letting. Them. Be. Together. It's not going to happen!  Argh, finally got that damn knife outta my back. Hurts like hell, but I'm sure I'll heal quickly, due to the fact I'm an immortal demon. I have a plan to get them BOTH back... Hehe sometimes I love myself.

3rd person POV

Anti and Mark were cuddled up on the couch, playing video games. Jack got out of he shower, and as he walked downstairs, he saw them. And boy was he jealous. Anger built up, but he kept it under control. For now.

Anti and Mark went upstairs to their bedroom and layed down. Anti got an idea.

"Hey, markimoo?~"


"I'm gunna go take a shower. "

"Aww okkk"

Anti finished his shower, but walked out in just his boxers. Mark blushed at this sight.

"Like what you see markimoo?"
Mark blushed even harder.

"Hehe I knew you would."
Anti crawled up beside Mark and started to kiss him. Slowly, but passionately. He started kissing down his jawline, and to his neck. Anti kissed and sucked till he found Marks sweet spot, and Mark let out a little moan. Anti took note and started nibbling and kissing this spot, leaving a Hickey.

"Anti... Not now.. "

"But maarrkkk~"

"No Anti, not now."

"Aww man..." anti sat there with dissapointment on his face.
Mark took notice, and didn't want anti to be sad. Mark pulled anti in for a kiss, and anti kissed back.

"Fine~" mark said seductively.

Mark took off his shirt and layed anti down on the bed. They continued kissing.


Should I continue? It feels weird writing stuff like this XD but anyways, thanks for reading!  BBBYYYEEEE

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