chapter 10

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(A/n *takes award for slowest updates* SORRY. Sorry it took so long for me to update. My internet has been down but anyways, onward with the chapeter!)

3rd person pov

They all woke up, not tied to chairs, but in a heavily locked and secured cell.

"How da fuk are we supposed to get outta here?" Jack mumbled, barley audible, seeing everyone else awake.
They all just shrugged tiredly and weakly.
Mark was on the verge of passing out again, and Anti hastily crawled over to him, ignore the pain, and his body pleading to stop.

"MARK! please, no, no, no" Anti sobbed. And jack came over to confort him, also ignoring the pain.

"Its ok Anti, we'll get out of here. I hope" jack mumbled the last part, luckily Anti didnt hear him.

Guys I'm soo sorry for slow updates and I'm sorry for a short chapter, but I have 1 other book out. Its called the noobs. It is creepypasta based so yeah. If you can, please check them out. And BYYYEEEE

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