chapter 5

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Anti POV
I was waiting for mark to get out of the shower. I was laying on the bed and I fell asleep.

~antis nightmare~
I was running down a long corridor and there was something chasing after me. I tripped and was scooped up. I blacked out and awoke tied to a chair with mark across from me. He was crying and had cuts on his face and body. He was suffering. A dark figure aproched me.

I woke up screaming and in a cold sweat. Mark scurried over to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked,  worry filling his eyes.

"It was just a nightmare... I'm ok" I replied.
He gave me yeah-right eyes and hugged me. We cuddled.

"anti, will you be my boyfriend?" mark asked, afterwards his face flushed, as did mine.

"yes, yes i will Mark!" and with that, we shared a short passionate kiss, smiling into the kiss.

I felt uneasy after the dream. I felt like I was being watched. Soon enough, sleep found me.

Darks POV (ooohh)

Fuck no oh hell nooo I found out why mark broke up with me. He left me FOR FUCKING ANTI! I have been stalking them and I'm so fucking jealous. I saw they were sleeping. I snuck in there window and clonked mark on the head with my trusty baseball bat, knocking him out. I took mark and left anti a note.

~the note~
Dear anti,
     If you want your precious marky back, meet me at my house in the forest at midnight tonight. Otherwise, I'll come get you and you won't see mark or the light of another day again. Got it?

I jumped out the window, mark slugging over my back life a lifeless child. I continued to run till I got to the woods. I then ran into my house, locking the door behind me.


Cliff hanger, I know I'm so mean XD and sorry for the short chapter. More will be coming soon!  And holy cheesus 9 FRIKIN READS? lol ik it's not alot but hey, I'm happy about it XD anyways, BYEEE

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