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*tw: small mention of self-harm stay safe people I love you all!!+

Marks POV

I woke up to what im assuming to be the next morning. Anti was cuddled into my chest, snoring softly. I then looked at his hand, not seeing a ring. Quickly getting outta bed not waking him up, i shuffled to the dresser on the other side of the room and opened the top drawer. The little box with the ring in it. Was that a dream? It must've been! Meaning.... I still have to propose! Looking back at Anti, i walk over to him. Pulling his hair out of his face, and kissing his forehead, i notice something. His sleeves were slightly pulled down, revealing red lines. My heart dropped as i realized what he had done to himself.

"Anti? Anti... No..." I covered my mouth as tears pricked at my eyes.

"Anti?" Shaking him awake, his eyes fluttered opened to the sight of the tears climbing down my face.

"M-mark? Mark baby, what's wrong?" He said in his raspy morning voice.

"Anti, please tell me... This isn't actually what it looks like ?" more tears fled my eyes as i pointed to Anti's arms. His eyes went wide at the sudden realization i had figured it out.

"Mark... I... Im sorry" he said looking down, tears threatening his eyes.

"Its ok.. We can get through this... Together..." I reassured him, pulling him closely as we both wept. 

I carefully got out of his iron grasp and pulled him to the bathroom. 

"Anti, you know I love you right?" I asked him, looking into his eyes.

"y-yes" he replied, eyes glossy.

Taking both of his arms, I kissed each cut gently. Then I clean and wrapped his arms up.

"Anti, will you go out on a date with me tonight?" 

"yes marky" he sniffled into my ear as we embraced each other.

"i love you so much Antisepticeye"

"i love you too."


yes... I know, I KNOW! I haven't updated in forever. I'm super duper sorry, Ive been having a lot of personal issues irl, and haven't got around to updating. anyways, on another note, HOLY SHIT 1K READS??? I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THIS BOOK WAS GOOD!!! THANKS SO MUCH LIKE FR GUYSS!!! I will be going through and re-editing ALOT of chapters cus I feel like its so cheesey XD but for now sorry bout the short chapter. see ya later, byeee!!!!!!!!!

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