chapter 8

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3rd person POV

Mark slowly kissed anti up and down his chest. He kissed all the way down to his vline and looked up at anti for permission. Anti slowly nodded his head, and mark pulled down his boxers.

~le time skip cus I'm too lazy~

Mark and Anti lay on the bed, panting.

"My ass is gunna be sore tomorrow" Anti mumbled out against marks neck.

"Damn right" mark replied sleepily.
They fell asleep, right then and there.

Anti woke up to find mark not in bed. He got up, put some boxers on and headed downstairs, flinching at the pain coming from his lower half. Mark was in the kitchen making some coffee and breakfast.

"Mornin markimoo~" Anti hummed.
"Mornin Anti babe. You ok? You seem to be wobbling." Mark replied.
Anti blushed at that name.

"I'm ok. My arse is just sore."
Mark chuckled and continued cooking.
Anti wrapped his arms around Marks torso and snuggled closer to him. Mark kissed Anti ever so sweetly.

"I love you Mark"
Mark was dumbfounded by these words. But spoke back anyways.

" you too Anti"

After breakfast they went to the couch and started playing video games.

Darks POV
Hehe I have a plan. A plan so... Violant... It will get did notof Anti... Forever. *laughs evily*

"DARKIPLIER!" wil called out.


"WELL COULD YA HURRY UP AND TAKE OUT THA DAMN TRASH!!?" wil yelled from downstairs.

"UUGGGHHH FINEEE" I yelled back.

(For all you people, dark lives in the middle of a dark forest in a mansion that was abandoned with his friend willford warfstasche. Another alter ego of Mark so yeah just thought I'd do some clearing up! Now back to the storyyy!!)

I got up from my desk and walked downstairs to meet wil.
I was mumbling curse words as wil stood tapping his foot.

"What's so important that household chores have to be held back hm?" Wil asked
I just looked at him.

"I'm planning on something."

"On what?"

I yelled.

"Because there is so much more stuff you could do instead of plotting your evil schemes and raising havoc on Marks life. Can't you just move on? Anti is way outta your league anyways. You can't get back with him." Willford stated blandly, looking me right in the eyes.
I knew, he was right. I couldn't get Anti back. But I want mark. Mark. Mark. Mark. Wil was yet to discover mine and Marks past relationship.
He will soon see. I. Get. What. I. Want. Hehe.


3rd person POV

"ANTTIII COULD YOU COME HERE FOR A SECOND!?" jack yelled from upstairs.
Anti let out a growl, as he was so comfy on the couch with mark.

"FINE!" Anti yelled back.

"I'll be right back markimoo." Anti told his lover. Then gave him a peck on the lips.

"Ok Antiboy. Love you"

"I love you too" Anti smiled and walked upstairs to where Jack was.

Jack just got finished recording a video game, when anti comes into the recording room.

"You called?" Anti asked blandly.

"Um yes actually, have fun with Mark last night?" Jack asked with a smirk on his face.
Anti blushed.


"I'm just joking Anti, but in all seriousness, could you edit this video? I have to go somewhere important."

"Sure, but expect surprises *winks*"
"Antiiii" jack complained

"Hehe ok whatever."
Jack got up to walk out the door and Anti started to edit Jack's video. Making it glitch here and there. But within 1-2 hrs it was done.

Anti went downstairs to find Mark not here
That's weird... Mark usually tells me when he's going out.
Anti thought.
When Anti went back upstairs, he was met with a sight he didn't want to see. Darkiplier.


OMG I finally updated XD. Sorry it took so long. But thank you guys and I'm glad you are enjoying this book. And I'm writing a phan book and that'll be out in a few months. I'm publishing it as a whole completed story, and not just part by part so it'll take a bit. Thank you and as always

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