chapter 4

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*warning fluff <3*
Marks POV
I explained to anti the situation between me and dark... He did understand and it didn't change anything between us.

It seems anti was in and extra good mood today. He just wanted to cuddle. I was in the bathroom washing my face when he came up and wrapped his small arms around me. He was small and warm. It was very comforting to feel.

"Marrkkyyy" he said in a sing-song voice.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"I wanna cuddleee"

"Ugh finnee" I said playfully

I picked him up and he blushed and hid his face in my shirt.

Anti POV
I really wanted to cuddle with mark. I saw he was in the bathroom so i went to him and hugged him and told him I wanted to cuddle. He picked me up and I blushed. I hid my face in his shirt. He was warm and comforting. He smelt of Cologne wich smelt really good. He sat me down on the bed and I whined. He crawled next to me and wrapped his strong arms around me and I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. I felt safe and comfy. I soon fell asleep and so did mark. I awoke to the smell of coffee. I went downstairs to the kitchen and mark was making breakfast and from what I could see jack fell asleep on the couch playing video games.

"Mornin markimoo" I chirped.

"Mornin" he replied.
I honestly felt like a different person. Mark has changed me and I don't know if it's for the better or the worst.... I don't care as long as I have him.

I walked to him and stood on my tippy toes to kiss his neck. I hugged him and he smiled.

"Your still in a good mood?" Mark asked.

"Why shouldn't I be? I'm with you."
I saw him blush In response.
He was cooking eggs and bacon. It smelt delicious.
Once he was done cooking, we had to wake up jack. We had a plan though.
I got whipped cream from the fridge and walked to jack,  putting some whipped cream in his hand. Mark tickled his face with a feather. He slapped his face and he got whipped cream all over his face XD.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! GO TAKE THAT WHIPPED CREAM THING AND STICK IT UP YOUR ARSES!!" He yelled me and mark just laughed our asses off.
Jack went to take a shower. We all ate breakfast.

6 reads?? Oml thanks!!! But ik a short chapter but I wanted to add a little fluff.  What's coming up into the next chapter isn't all cute and cuddly. Anywayss BYYYYYYEEE!!!!

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