chapter 2

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Jacks POV
I was debating on weather or not to introduce Mark to anti... I'll go talk to anti about it.
"Hey mark?" I asked he looked down at me (marks is taller so.. Yeah)

"Yeah?" He replied

"Um Ive gotta go do something upstairs, stay down here k?"

I walked upstairs and trailed to my room. I opened to door and saw anti on the computer doing god knows what.

"SHIT" he yelled, not knowing I was in here. It looked like he was playing a game.

"Hey anti?" I walked up and he jumped.

"Shit jack don't do that to me"

"Hehe... I was wandering if you wanted to officially meet mark.. I me-" he cut me off jumping out of the chair.

"Hell yeah! Umm... I ugh mean s-suuuure"
I laughed.

Antis POV
HELL YYESS!!  I was finally going to meet mark officially I mean I've seen him around and heard his conversations with jack, I liked him alot. But I've got to contain myself.

Jacks POV
"Hey mark!" I called to him

"Yeah? What's up jack?" He replied

"I have to introduce you to someone" I said as I pulled anti over to mark.

"H-hi I'm anti" he said nervously

"Heya I'm mark!" He held out his hand and anti shook it.

Marks POV
I heard jack yell my name and he said he had to introduce me to someone. His name was anti... He looked EXACTLY like jack besides his one green and blue eye and another black and blue eye. He had green hair and it was slicked back. He had a gauge in both ears and... Sharp teeth?... Weird. I decided not to ask and questions. The rest of the night went smoothly. We all played video games till like 4am then I decided it was time to go home.

~back at mark and darks house~

Darks POV
I woke up to mark laying against my chest...odd he never did that. He seemed happy... I didnt like that one bit. I got out of bed and he stirred. I could care less. I went to make some coffee. Mark soon came down and made coffee and breakfast.

"I'm going out today. Don't try anything fucking funny." I said.

"O-ok" he replied.

Marks POV
Dark said he was going out. YES I'm so going over to jack and anti's today. I felt.. Comfortable over there. I think I may be falling for anti. Don't get me wrong,  jack is still good lookin and stuff but something about anti... Just seemed to make my heart flutter and butterflys form in my stomach.

~le time skip and change POV to jacks~

I heard the door bell ring and I answered. it was mark.

"Heya mark!" My Irish accent thickened.

"Heya Jack" he replied

"ANTI!!! MARKS HERRE!" I yelled upstairs I heard shuffling and footsteps down the stairs.

"Heya mark!" Anti stated happily. Wich was very weird considering he's half demon. I know he likes mark but.. Damn I didn't know he like him that much. "Hey mark? Wanna go for a walk in the park?" Anti asked mark.

"Um hello? I'm still here ya know" I sternly interrupted

"Ah go stick it up your arse" anti dramatically replied. And pushed me out of the way.

"S-sure?" Mark replied holding back laughter.
I was once again pushed and they started walking. I stayed behind at my house,  I figured I'd let them bond a little. They just met after all.

Antis POV
I walked with mark quietly till we got to the park. I gestured for him to sit on a bench with me. I felt happy around him.. Oddly. I decided to brake the silence.

"H-hey mark? I know this may sound weird but... I think I have feelings for you..." I slowly but cautiously stated.

"Anti... I feel exactly the same way" he replied.
Before he had the chance to say anything else I kissed him, I felt him tense up but then melt into the kiss.


Hehe all the cliff hangers XD I wonder what's gunna happen in the next chapter sorry if it's short and kinda slow but I promise soon it will get going!  And sorry if there's grammer mistakes :p any wayysss

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